⟢ 03 .

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Perhaps you had been drunk on the day.

After all, you were one from the shadows. Doing one from the lights' bidding, so that their own hands would remain unsullied, and so that all of their sins could be thrust upon your burden.

Somehow, some way, you had gotten carried away on the warm, sun-soaked breeze and almost forgotten the weight of the situation. What were you thinking? This wasn't anything normal. You were dealing with a lunatic. The so-called lamb prince had not only incapacitated you, something that the captain of the royal guard had failed to do, despite being a prodigy. It was too bad, really, he couldn't have been a day over twenty-five, but he had made himself a plethora of enemies on his path towards the light, and it had been the darkness that clawed at his legs, dragged him back down into its winding labyrinth of a heart.

Fuck, your mind just hadn't been working right ever since you got here. Why bring up the past now? It was useless, not when the prince seemed dead-set keeping you in this isolated palace to rot.

"Ah? What's wrong, dear assassin?" You wanted to gouge his eyes out, forcefully, with a spoon. A fork would work too. So would your bare hands, just anything. "You're being awfully quiet all of a sudden."

How else am I supposed to respond to such nonsense? Your fists trembled, nails biting into your skin as you made every effort to suppress your growing bloodlust. "...To be treated as a loyal hound...what's next, Your Highness? Will you leash me and teach me how to roll over and play dead?"

"A leash..." Amusement danced in his eyes, captured in his upturned lips as he entertained the idea with a rather concerning amount of interest. "That's not a bad thought. I didn't think you were capable of replicating my line of thought in such an immaculate manner, dear assassin, you brought it up before I could even suggest it~"

"Please, your highness. Don't delude yourself."

At this point, you might as well not bother speaking in the first place. Nikolai never listened. That is, until your words were meaningless enough to be easily twisted into a something that could reflect his desire. Naturally, his actions proved to be a really fucking-

"Delusion? Now, don't just throw out such words around in hopes of driving me away!" He swayed dramatically, a hand placed delicately upon his chest as if the single phrase you had offhandedly uttered inflicted a lethal wound.

"Oh, were my intentions so bare?" You beamed, smiling with a brightness that paralleled the streams of sunlight encapturing the room in its bleached gaze. "If you're aware, would you kindly leave, your highness?" You sensed from his silence that he was not ultimately convinced. "...I'm rather tired..." Puppy eyes weren't exactly your forte, but you held your escape, or more so life, in a much higher regard than your pride. "Is it alright if I have this first day to myself, just for today?"

You spoke your words slowly, softly, pitifully, gazing into him with eyes that shone and sparkled with hope, and brimmed the slightest with unshed tears.

Critical hit!

As expected. My cuteness is just something else, simply irresistible... isn't that right, you snake?

You stifled the feeling of odd satisfaction you received from seeing his features slack and hearing an offbeat choking noise escape his throat. He held a hand over his face, poorly hiding the feverish flush that had descended upon it, and responded after a well half minute in a shaky voice that did not at all sound like his own, "Ah... ahem- if that's the case, feel free..."

𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 !? ♡ [BL]Where stories live. Discover now