Chapter 62

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I watch as he prepares us breakfast and can't keep my eyes of his body that should be illegal. Seriously, he's all ripped muscles and I am in love with those veins on his forearms as she whisks the batter mix for our pancakes. Not to mention his tight ass in his joggers. I forgot to mention that right now, Logan isn't wearing anything on top and I can see how broad and muscular he is. I am salivating again and thinking about what his body does to me, is causing that familiar warmth to spread up from the pit of my stomach and ignite within my body.

"You checking my ass out, darlin'?" He turns and I can see the mischief in his eyes.

"Well, it is there right in front of me what can I say?"

"We need to eat and replenish our energy, I've got plenty more of last night for you and then some."

"You smooth talker you."

"I've not even begun, Dr Sage Bennett. When I'm finished with you all this talk about leaving me and Willowbrook will be a distant memory."

He could be right there, I'm already considering why move when I can be here with the man I love, the same man I've always really loved. Time only help put a bandaid on the scar but it never fixed it, it certainly didn't heal it and now we're here finally healing our hearts.

There is something warm and cozy about sitting at his island as he cooks and Hector comes back in from outside. I stand up and go close the door since the morning air is brisk.

"I've been thinking." I say. He looks over his shoulder, his gorgeous eyes on mine. A woman could easily drown in those eyes of his.

"Shoot." He says then turns back to continue to whisk before pouring the mix into a pan on the stove.

"I don't know that I want to leave anymore."

He puts the pan down and comes to the island, placing both his hands on it. "Say that again." His voice is almost a whisper but I can detect the huskiness in it. I'm loving how his jaw his moving and the stubble he has from not shaving for a few days.

"I like it here, I never thought I'd say that but in all honesty, Logan I don't think I could leave you again." He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. I'm longing for him to say something, anything. I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve right now. It's killing me.

"You want to stay here in Willowbrook and with me?" Our eyes don't wander from the others. It's intense, I'm on fire because I know what I can have with Logan. Something I never could have had with Miles, something I could never have from a fellowship in a different state or anywhere in the world.

What Logan can give me is warmth, security, arms around me every night, kisses that make me swoon, love making that takes me to a different planet. The way he loves me can't be found with another man, when you've found the one, you've found the one and now I finally know he is the only one for me.

Why I left before is now staggering but I am here I am with him and I don't want it to ever change. I don't want to lose what I have with Logan right now, what we can be together in our futures.

I nod, biting my lower lip as he rakes his hands through his hair. I know he wants to be excited and show it, but he is retraining himself, you know, just in case he hasn't quite heard what I am saying.

"That's right." I sit up straighter. Shit, I'm about to turn my entire universe upside down, actually he's been doing that ever since I slept with him again.

All those feelings came to the surface and I don't want to push them away. Another broken heart is not on my agenda and if I walk out his door and move again, I'll never heal. I'm not a young kid anymore, I'm a grown woman and I recognize how I feel and can clearly see what I want for my life now.

"To both. I don't want to leave you, Logan. I don't think I can. You see, I'm in love with you. Still."

"Baby," he says as he comes round from the other side of the island. "Say that again, it sounds so damn beautiful. I've waited the last ten years to hear you say those words again." He holds me to him, my head against his bare, muscular chest. I inhale his masculine body smell. I nuzzle my face into him and kiss his stomach.

"I love you, Logan damn it. I've tried my hardest not to, I've tried to ignore you when I first came back but I just can't."

He steps back and places one hand on my shoulder and with his other hand he tilts my face up slightly as his fingers rest gently under my chin.

"I love you too, Sage. I've never stopped loving you. I want the world to know you're mine. Damn I want our babies, I want to see your stomach swollen with our child, watch as you nurture it and blossom."

Tears sting my eyes, this is everything I want t0o. It's kind of weird how you can be on track for one thing with a single minded focus and then bam, just like that everything changes in an instant.

Maybe, I've been focusing too hard on being the top of my field to chase away the heartache I brought upon myself and the guilt for breaking Logan's heart too.

"I think it's a bit early for kids but yes, I want that too. I want to hold your child in my arms and look down at a baby mini-Logan."

"Our babies sure are going to be cute," he says smiling. "And if it's a girl, Lord help everyone. She's going to be feisty, sassy and have a mouth on her." He chuckles. I watch his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

My heart is brimming and then some for the man in front of me. How you can love someone entirely like this, that makes you feel content comes once in a lifetime and I know how lucky I am to have been given a second chance. This is it. There is no going back.

"Do you know what a field day our moms are going to have?" He says as he leans down and begins to kiss me, moving the hand from under my chin to the back of my head. I am swooning to the moon and back, I'm pooling into a puddle. My clit begins to throb with longing for him again. I am insatiable for Logan.

He is my new addiction.

"For sure," I say between kisses. "We're going to have to let them know to take it slowly." I giggle. He kisses me more deeply, our tongues find their familiar pattern again, he tastes of coffee. He tastes divine.

"It won't be long, Bennett and I'll be putting a ring on that finger. I'm not taking any chances with you walking back out of my life ever again."

"There's no chance of that, Logan. I'm all yours, now, tomorrow and forever."

Hector comes over and starts nuzzling his head against Logan's thigh. He manages to stroke the dog's head, it's as if he knows something amazing has just happened and wants to be a part of it.

We break away from each other. "I've got a breakfast to make, then I'm taking you straight back to bed, darlin'." I squeeze my thighs together at the thought of it and cock my head to one side.

"I can't wait." I stroke Hector's head as he sits by my side. He's the cutest dog ever.

We both watch as Logan makes the pancakes and places them on the plate beside him. My heart is stretched to the max just looking at him, the life I'm about to embark on with this man, the man I have loved since I was a kid.

True love exists, it's out there and second chances come but once in a lifetime and this is it for me. This glorious man, his dog and a cozy cabin nestled in the woodland area of West Virginia.

I know I've come full circle and I'm well and truly home. 


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Healing Hearts: A Second Chance Romance. Book1 of The Willowbrook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now