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With your stare locked onto the TV, you watched the game slowly load, almost agonizingly so. Your hand trailed down your face before you slouched with a groan, more annoyed than happy. You had been waiting for what felt like hours for the game to download, which in reality was actually only one. So far, so good. Your thoughts bitterly spoke. The wait allowed you time to think, which wasn't always a great thing. Especially now, due to the depressive episode you've found yourself stuck in. Why do my emotions always fuck things up? Great. Going down that rabbit hole again.

Feelings are often something you'd wish you didn't have, it would make things easier. All they ever did was manage to screw with friendships and life in general. Jobs were hard to keep, hence why it took you so long to even obtain the game. Friends were even more fickle, they never understood your feelings nor could they handle your mood swings. It's not like I have a family to return to either, I'm all on my own. You sighed and let your head fall back against the couch, almost in defeat. It really was my own fault for not being able to control myself.

With a snort, you straightened your posture, lazily eyeing the mess of pizza boxes on the coffee table before your gaze was drawn to the walls. Five Nights at Freddy's. Seeing as you were somewhat a fan, your shelves were filled with all sorts of knickknacks. Figurines, plushies, even books, all FNAF related.. Perhaps you were a giant fan. It gave you something to find comfort in, since you didn't have anyone else. However, despite adoring everything you owned, these objects could never completely fill the emptiness of your home.

You groaned, almost angrily slamming your fist into the cushion beneath you. I'm so tired of these stupid feelings, it would be so much easier without them. You rolled your eyes and found yourself staring at the Security Breach logo that was now displayed on the screen. It was just waiting for you to start. Bonnie and Foxy are gone. You pursed your lips once you recalled the fact, grabbing the controller for your PlayStation. How will I enjoy this game without my favorite bunny present? To say you were upset when you found out neither Bonnie nor Foxy would be in this game is an understatement. Especially with your love for the rabbit. Maybe that's another factor to my sudden anger?

They were replaced by a wolf and gator, which was, at first, strange to you. However, you could find yourself falling in love with these new characters, just like you had for previous dumb characters, like Springtrap or Dee Dee. You chuckled softly under your breath when you recalled the little animatronic girl, an "uh oh, how unfortunate!" echoing in your head. That won't change the fact that Bonnie isn't here, but I suppose it makes up for it. You let in a deep inhale before releasing it, starting up a save with renewed excitement. If I am angry and sad all the time, how will I ever enjoy what I have now?

Your eyes grew wide once the beginning sequence began, not expecting beforehand to watch an animated segment. You had refused to touch any social media after the game released, so you really were just heading in with no expectations. You smiled and finally let your posture droop, your free hand raising so you could rest your chin on it. You couldn't help but think about what if Bonnie had been present. He'd take the place of the gator surely. You slightly cringed from the thought, oddly feeling guilty for having such an idea. It wasn't like these characters were real, so why do you feel bad for a fictional gator?

On another note, you had always wanted to see the animatronics perform, which usually led you to watching videos on YouTube and such. To be able to finally see an official one, despite being vastly different from the older games, made you somewhat excited. Although it was also even more disappointing that there wasn't a Bonnie or Foxy now, you could ignore it to enjoy the show. Roxanne and Montgomery Gator. Roxy and Monty. You repeated the names, wanting to remember them. You couldn't help but nod slightly to the music, admitting to yourself that it was indeed a good bop.

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