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Someone was, rather aggressively, shaking your shoulders and waking you from your soundless sleep. You groaned, voicing your annoyance, before rolling over to grab a pillow to squish over your head. Your hope was they'd leave, whoever they were. Especially since you had a raging, screaming headache. Wait.. I live alone! Your thoughts finally clicked and you shot up, wide eyes landing on the blonde haired woman standing beside your bed. Oh.. Pretty lady. Upon you sitting up, she quickly raised her hands, amusement dancing in her green eyes. "Did I startle you, (N/N)?" She snorted, "I let myself in with the spare key. I figured you would feel awful and wanted to be sure you woke up on time." She hummed, seeming amused with your panic.

(N/N)?? Why is she talking to me like she knows me? Most importantly, what is she doing in my house!? Your thoughts were only worsening your headache, causing you to rub at your forehead. Shouldn't you be more worried about the strange woman currently in your room? Wait a second.. She looks.. Familiar. You squinted your eyes at her face. A name you weren't familiar with, but oddly felt comforted by, eventually crept up. "Vanessa?" She raised a brow and cocked her head slightly. "Yeeaaahhh? That's me..?" Isn't she.. The night guard I saw walk in front of Freddy's window in the game?

Your face scrunched up, confusion not leaving you and only continuing to grow. Where the hell am I? The last thing I remember is.. You gasp, raising a hand to cover your mouth in disbelief. Yeah, no. There isn't a single possibility that this is real. Believing what was happening wasn't actually happening eased the sickness you began to feel. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" You sucked in a breath upon hearing Vanessa, uncovering your mouth and forcing a reassuring smile. "I just remembered the.. Dream I had, it's nothing." You waved your hand at her while she nodded. Although she didn't appear completely convinced. Nevertheless, then she gestured toward a pile of clothes at the end of your bed. Have those been there the entire time?

"Did you forget about your job?" At the sudden question, you squinted at her with a silent, quizzable expression. "Did you forget you were hired to work on the animatronics at the plex?" Your eyes widened in shock. No way. Not even the two year collage I went to for mechanics would prepare me for any animatronic! Alright, why am I worrying about that!? Vanessa began to laugh, cupping her stomach while all you did was eye her like she was insane. "Oh god, just how much did you have to drink last night, (Y/N)?" She cackled, wiping away tears that had formed during her laughter.

You paused, memories that weren't truly your own filling your head. We had a party to celebrate me being hired. My job is to take care of food and bake for birthdays, things like that.. And to sometimes supervise parties.. At the Pizzaplex. You furrowed your brows in response to your thoughts. They were having complaints about how the food tasted so they decided to finally hire humans to handle it. You swallowed, wondering where this information came from. Am I.. Dreaming? It seemed very possible. Maybe it was some odd lucid dream. Should I just go along with it to see where it takes me?

You sighed and began to look around the room, an attempt to make yourself feel better somehow. Your brows quirked up in pleasant surprise. The room was very identical to how your room would usually look, however, instead photo frames were on display on a few of the shelves. Photos of Vanessa and you filled them. You had to admit to yourself, We looked so happy. You eventually set your gaze on the spot Vanessa had been previously, only to realize she was gone. She returned minutes later, chuckling at the sight of you laying down again and groggily staring at her. After all, you were still trying to wrap your mind around the situation.

"Here, I got you some meds and water." You hesitantly took the pills and the cup of water she held out to you, sitting up to swallow down both of them safely. I believe I can trust her, those photos seem to prove it. And, I can't really get hurt in a dream, now, can I? You nearly choked upon breathing in sharply when you spotted something particular in your peripheral vision. Vanessa jumped from the coughing before she leaned forward to start patting and rubbing your back. "What.. Is that?" You breathed out, voice slightly croaking from your clogged throat.

𝑾𝒆 𝑪𝒂𝒏 𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 (Glamrock Bonnie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now