Chapter 3

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Chad was nearing the end of his shift and couldn't wait to take off his apron to enjoy some well-deserved rest.

Fortunately, that day he didn't have to serve many tables, so he still had the energy to roam around the club in peace. He intended to call Taylor and spend some time with her, as she had been complaining lately that he "didn't pursue her the way a good boyfriend should."

In reality, he didn't know why Taylor had said this, as he was treating her the same way he always had. He wished he knew what had prompted her to speak to him in that tone; he wanted to delve into her mind.

He picked up the phone and called her, asking if she wanted to hang out after work.

"Uh, Chad, unfortunately, my mom asked me to come home tonight... I need to help her with some chores tomorrow morning, and I asked Fulton for a shift change. I'm sorry..."

No luck.

So, he also contacted Zeke, Jason, and the other Wildcats, but it seemed that none of them could keep him company that evening.

Well, he thought. He'd get something to drink and go somewhere at Lava Springs, maybe to the baseball field. It was the first place that came to mind, and he made his final decision.

He needed time to reflect, to think about his life, and he knew he wouldn't be disturbed in that place.

After punching out at the end of his workday, he made a quick stop in the kitchen to grab his dinner. The house was serving hamburgers that evening, so he was more than satisfied. He took his bag, put it in his backpack along with a can of cola, and headed to his destination.

That night, the sky was filled with stars. The dim light of the lampposts in the distance added a touch of enchantment to the serene summer atmosphere. In fact, when he arrived at the field, he realized that there was no one around. All the surrounding lights were turned off so that he could fully enjoy the moonlit night.

He took a seat in the bleachers, the same ones his friends had cheered him from during the baseball game the previous week, the same game that Chad Danforth couldn't stop thinking about whenever he was alone with his thoughts.

As much as he tried to convince himself that nothing had changed since that moment, that he was treating Taylor the same way he always had, that basketball was still at the top of his priority list, he knew deep down that it wasn't true.

He believed he had reached the height of confusion and bewilderment when Troy had distanced himself. His best friend since preschool had decided to turn the page and no longer acknowledge him since he had formed a bond with a certain blonde, rich, and spoiled girl who was giving him everything he could desire. The Red Hawks now had eyes only for Troy, and everything revolved around Troy Bolton here and there. This had irrevocably disappointed him. He would have never believed that someday, what he considered a part of himself, would be set aside for a scholarship. He would have never thought it possible, yet it had happened. Money and fame had triumphed over friendship, and he felt betrayed like never before in his life.

Troy Bolton was like a brother to Chad Danforth. Or something more.

He had never seriously reflected on what Troy was to him. To everyone, they were like brothers, and perhaps for Troy, too, that's what it had been before he decided to distance himself. But for Chad, perhaps things had been slightly different at some point in his life.

He had felt a strong connection with Troy from the moment they met, so much so that he could hardly imagine life without him. They attended classes together, every basketball practice, and were practically a second son to Coach Bolton during all the time he spent at their home.

It seemed that everything was proceeding as usual until Troy began showing interest in some girls, even before meeting Gabriella. Chad had felt suddenly overwhelmed by an inexplicable jealousy. He couldn't stand seeing Troy with a girl. It bothered him a lot, and he couldn't justify the reason to himself.

In the past, he had even tried to prevent his friend from dating someone, and sometimes he succeeded, but after Gabriella arrived, he realized the situation was different. Troy was really in love with her, and nothing, neither basketball nor friendships, could stop him. Chad had also understood that it wasn't the same as before and had chosen to suppress his resentment and leave Troy alone, albeit with great difficulty.

Then came Taylor. With her spunk, intelligence, and initiative, she had attracted him, and they had been dating for a few months, precisely since the end of the spring basketball championship. However, what Chad had noticed was that they preferred to spend time in a group, maybe with Troy and Gabriella, rather than alone. In fact, when they went out as a couple, there was often awkwardness between them because Taylor tended to think that Chad was a little too stupid for anything. Not that the brunet didn't know it; Taylor was truly brilliant. She excelled in everything, and it was difficult to talk about topics she didn't already know.

Chad liked her. He found her cute and bright, but sometimes he thought she wasn't the right girl for him. Perhaps he needed someone more athletic, maybe a cheerleader, rather than a brainiac.

In any case, that summer was proceeding, with its ups and downs. But, in particular, since the baseball game, Chad felt lost and out of himself.

Ryan had always been transparent in his eyes, just a presence in his class that he would have felt totally indifferent to if he were gone. Before the baseball game, if they had asked him, "Who is Ryan Evans?" he would have replied, "The ice queen's brother." He only knew that Ryan was the co-president of the Drama Club and participated in all the school plays, nothing else.

But on that fateful morning, that blond and lanky boy had shown up at the baseball field and, with a playful tone of challenge, had started to play seriously. Chad was convinced he had come to spy on them since he was the son of the Lava Springs owners, but he was surprised to have been included in an employee baseball game. So he took the opportunity to enjoy the game and give it his all. The more he saw Ryan play, the more he wondered why he wasn't part of some school sports team, given his potential, and he soon found himself admiring him, in his movements, in his actions.

Then came the moment of victory, where the Wildcats had gathered around him, and his opponent was walking away on his own. It seemed the right moment to talk to him, so he did. Then came the locker room, where he got much more familiar with Ryan, discovering aspects of him that he would never have imagined from the outside.

But he couldn't say what was making him feel strange when he remembered those moments.

He only remembered that sweet scent, which had immediately taken control of his senses. He remembered turning to Ryan immediately after and having the instinct to get closer. His eyes lingered on his graceful lines, his lean physique, but he immediately banished these thoughts and brought himself back.

He had listened carefully to his speech, picking up every single word, and at some point, he realized the strength that boy had hidden inside to face his inner battles. Beyond the flashy clothes and extravagant hats, there was much more, and Chad had a strong desire to learn more.

Or at least, that's what he deeply wished for.

A cloud obscured the moon for a moment, making the field even darker than before.

What did all this mean?

Why had he reacted that way on stage when he was close to the blond? Why had he suddenly wanted to touch him and feel his skin beneath his fingers?

Chad's stomach knotted at the thought. There was something in him slipping out of his control, and he didn't like it.

He had to forget what had happened. He had a girlfriend, a basketball team to lead now that Troy had stepped aside, and a bright future to build in the world of sports. He didn't have time to waste on his existential doubts or on someone whose presence was destabilizing him from his goals.

On that moonlit night, Chad Danforth decided to do just that, casting into oblivion the sweetness he had sensed in Ryan's eyes at the moment he wished to etch into his mind forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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