Mon 06/27 06:01:45 PDT

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The birds are out in force this morning. Their chirping fills the silence as we wait at the center of the commons for Father to arrive.

"Has he ever done something like this before?" I whisper to Evan.

"No, this is the first time."

The door to the Residence opens, and Father strides out. He looks so cheerful as he comes toward us, his step spry as he walks the distance across the dewy grass.

"Good morning, my children!" he announces, flashing his crooked smile. "Thank you for indulging me. I know it's earlier than I usually have you up and about. With the upcoming trip, I've decided that we need some extra time together to practice and coordinate. We'll be having a morning meeting like this every day until we leave. Your regular classes will start two hours later and will each be shortened by one hour. Computer lab time will be on your own in the afternoons and evenings. We'll start today with some discussions about safety and security on our travels. Is everyone ready to start?"

Everyone nods. He's so damn cheerful. How can anyone be this happy this early in the day?

"Excellent." His tone takes a turn to the serious. "As you know, Eastern Africa has a painful history of conflict over the last few decades. Well-armed military factions and criminal organizations are common in some of the places we will be visiting. It is very important to me that you all remain safe. To that end, I have prepared a long-range real-time weapon detection system that you will run with your clouds, similar to the one I use. While we are working, some of you will be assigned to patrol the area to provide early warning for any potential threats."

Is he sending us into a war zone? I hadn't heard of anything serious going on in the three countries we're going to, but I'm not much of an expert. Maybe I need to do some research. Or maybe he's just being extra careful. You can't go breaking your precious real children or your valuable test subject, right?

"We'll be ready!" Chad proclaims.

Dammit Chad. Why do you always have to make your nose so brown?

"I'm glad to hear your enthusiasm," Father responds. "I am excited as well. I've been looking forward to getting you involved in my work for a very long time."

My siblings all bobble their heads and grin with excitement. Even Evan is doing it. I try to fake it as best I can. It's not that I'm opposed to the work, just the man doing it.

"If a threat is identified," Father continues, "you will all secure yourselves either inside the reinforced shelter we'll build at each work site, or in a personal shelter created as needed using your cloud. Your next software update will provide functions for those along with the other new capabilities. The reinforced shelter is the safer option. It can withstand any of the munitions we expect to see in the area, including grenades or small rocket fire."

Jeff, Louise, Marc, and Andrea look nervous. Evan is playing it cool. Chad is still grinning like an idiot.

"The personal shelter is bulletproof, but it may not resist heavy weaponry. If you are near the reinforced shelter when an alert sounds, please get inside immediately. The only reason to use the personal shelter is if we get caught too far from the shelter and can't get there. Everyone understand?"

Another round of nervous nods.

"Good. It is critical that you all report your status in case of danger. We'll each be wearing an earbud radio that will keep us all in contact whenever we are in dangerous areas of the trip."

"Will you be in there with us?" Marc asks hesitantly. "In the shelter, I mean?"

"No, I will remain outside and deal with the situation, whatever it is," Father says with grim determination. "Don't fear for my safety. I've been in much more dangerous areas than this and I have a few tricks up my sleeve for tight situations. Once I've handled any aggressors, I'll let you know when we can safely resume work."

That confirms some of the research I've done. He's got personal defenses built into his cloud that can hold off an army.

"Any other questions?"

No one else speaks up.

"Good," he declares. "Tomorrow, we'll talk about logistics for our travel and some basic ground rules. Before then, I'll have each of you come to my lab for updates. All except for Noah. Noah, you'll be getting yours later this week. This will be the first of several significant upgrades you'll each be getting over the coming years that will unlock significant new abilities. Starting next Monday, we'll be running defensive training drills every day. I need each of you to become proficient with the new tools in your nanotechnology toolbox."

He moves to leave, but hesitates and turns back around.

"We will be doing so much good for these people," he says solemnly. "We will be saving thousands of lives, and changing millions more for the better. We will be laying foundations for prosperity and stability that will remake the region into a better place for all. Work hard these next few months. Our success and safety depend on it. The health and happiness of millions depends on it."

The cult of Tom Butler calls to me again. It would be so easy to get caught up with the feeling that we are literally saving the world. I can see why so many of my siblings worship him. If I didn't hate him so much, I might too.

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