rainy day-1

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Beomgyu was always a shy boy and never had friends. all his life he hade no one...Actually he didn't want nobody, maybe except for that one person...Kang Taehyun. For some reason Beomgyu always wanted to be friends with taehyun since second grade. he always wanted to be friends with him but didn't dare to speak to him. Beomgyu haves a history of getting left out and didn't want to talk to taehyun cause he was to scared to be left out by him. People will call him crazy for being taehyun's stalker but he just cant be social. now that beomgyu is 15 and have loved taehyun for 8 years he's trying to get more close to the love is life...

19th September 2023

It's 6am right now

"oh boy i don't want to wake up...But today is first day of school so today i can see taehyun! "

Beomgyu kick his feet's on his bed while giggling.

"i just wish i will be in the same class as taehyun this years! Maybe he will finally see me and talk to me!"

Beomgyu get's up to quickly go take a shower and go to school

(you might ask "what about his breakfast?" yeah he have no time for that taehyun is more important 😍)

beomgyu quickly goes to taehyun house and wait for him to come out of his house. after a good 10 minutes taehyun get's out of his house and start walking so beomgyu slowly follow behind him making sure taehyun doesn't fall or get hit by a car ofc! after what look like day of walking they arrive at school beomgyu kinda get sad cause taehyun when to go to his friends. Yeonjun and heuning kai. they where nice so beomgyu didn't really bother.

"sorry uhm I'm kind of new where do i got my class paper?"

a baby bunny face with black hair was talking to beomgyu who was way to busy watching taehyun kind of got mad at the new boy but stayed calm

"follow me i also need to get my paper anyways"

said beomgyu

"also what's your name you look friendly!"

said the new boy

"beomgyu u?"

said beomgyu

"I'm soobin! choi soobin! nice to meet you beomgyu!"

said the new guys called soobin. beomgyu didn't really want soobin as a friend as he didn't have time for that. they go the the office to go get there papers.

"oh beomgyu! where in the same class! class 101" said soobin "uhm yeah we are that's great."

beomgyu didn't care if he was in the same class as soobin he needed taehyun in his class.

Beomgyu and soobin when to there class and talked for a good 20 min, he didnt know soobin was so that kind and he started to be more open minded with soobin! he learned a lots on soobin for the pass 20 min.

Beomgyu and soobin when to there class and talked  for a good 20 min, he didnt know soobin was so that kind and he started to be more open minded with soobin! he learned a lots on soobin for the pass 20 min

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choi soobin

age: 15 y/o

relation: single

sexuality: openly gay

moved school cause of his abusive parents and hade to go live with his grandparents. His parents are in prison and are going to be set free next month.

.𖥔 ݁ ˖

after 20 minutes of waiting for all the student to arrive beomgyu almost screamed. TAEHYUN THE KANG TAEHYUN WAS IN HIS CLASS!?!?!?!?! let's just say beomgyu was so happy he wanted to die. everyone was sitting where they wanted to sit till the teacher came in class

"hi student's I'm Mr.bangchan your teacher for this years, to start this day i all gave you a place to sit i will show it to the screen in few min!"

as mr.bangchan put are places on the screen beomgyu was going to die pt2. he. was. next. to. taehyun....Beomgyu wanted to die pt3 why was he so lucky today? I mean he's not complaining he's so happy about it! his sit was next to the window so that was ok he didn't really need that sit anyways he was happy to be next to taehyun thats all. beomgyu went to sit at his places as taehyun also did for his. beomgyu's face was so red it looked like he was going to explode


beomgyu was to shy to speak to taehyun and just looked out of the window. Embarrassing for real he better shut up and not make a fool of himself. Soobin look behind him and see beomgyu being behind of him

"yo beomgyu! your behind me!"

said soobin

"uhm yeah we are!"

said beomgyu he didn't want to talk when taehyun was next to him he was way to shy to look at his eyes. he also saw taehyun friend yeonjun that was next to soobin that mean he wont have taehyun's attention at 100% sadly...


finally it's the end of the day beomgyu was so tired from all the classes he got he cant even feel his hands anymore. beomgyu was getting ready to leave school till he saw...rain yeah fucking rain why was it raining that day? he hated rain so much and he also forgot his umbrella what a dumbass well i guess he need to walk in the rain i mean he forgot is umbrella so no choice. Beomgyu run like a maniac cause he needed to get to his house as he may got a idea for something....

.𖥔 ݁ ˖


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