sick love -7

21 1 7

"ok ig..."

back at the hotel taehyun was crying. He keeps asking himself "why am i crying is not like he like me anyways. I'm sure he will end up with heuning kai" was taehyun not good for beomgyu? taehyun felt small. he wanted beomgyu to looking at him, smiling at him, kissing him, loving him he was sick in love for beomgyu.

after more then that taehyun had no choice but to go where the bus was for the school activity. after that he saw the boys and decide to go see them

"taehyun where were you?" soobin looked at taehyun concerned "don't worry soobin-hyung i was just at the bathroom" said taehyun pulling a fake smile. Soobin knew the smile was fake as taehyun was pretty easy to read.

 taehyun turn his regard to beomgyu seeing kai attached to beomgyu's arm making taehyun extremely jealous. taehyun knew how a bad friend he was being jealous of his best friend kai but he just cant help himself and just rap his arm around beomgyu's waist making kai back off by surprise.

"beomgyu lets sit next to each other!" taehyun look at beomgyu waiting for a respond

*beomgyu pov*

"fuck fuck fuck why is he so close? might just kiss him rn" beomgyu said in his mind totally zoning out.

"beomgyu?" said taehyun still looking at beomgyu. "damh he's cute" said beomgyu a little bit out loud that taehyun heard it all

"thanks?"  taehyun look at beomgyu confused

"oh umh- yeah we can sit next to each other!" said beomgyu stress up did taehyun heard him? was he to loud while saying his thought?

"guys  let's go inside the bus now!" said soobin jumping around yeonjun and raping his arms around yeonjun arm. "hey taehyun can we talk?" said yeonjun looking at taehyun kinda of like as if it was urgent.

"suure!" both taehyun and yeonjun tell the others to go inside the bus and they will join them.

"so what is it yeonjun-hyung?" said taehyun looking at yeonjun kinda worried "taehyun i think i like... soobin- but like i dont know how to tell him or to face him" said yeonjun sadly "hyung... i thought you where not blind....SOOBIN HYUNG LIKES YOU!?!?!?!" said taehyun disbelieve that yeonjun never notice

"your sure?" taehyun rolled his eyes "of course he does just go tell your feelings to him!" said taehyun to yeonjun "now i think we should go thought" said taehyun going inside the bus with yeonjun.

as yeonjun and taehyun gets in the bus taehyun saws that heuning kai is sit next to beomgyu... kai took the opportunity to take taehyun's seat next to beomgyu so taehyun had no choice but to sit alone.

*beomgyu pov (again)* 

beomgyu knew that taehyun saw him with kai and felt extremely sorry and guilty. he didnt know how to say no to heuning kai. after 10 min kai was sleeping giving beomgyu a chance to look at taehyun. taehyun himself was also sleep making beomgyu giggle. he takes his phone and start taking pictures of the younger. 


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