
28 2 5

October 9 2023

today was trip day let's say beomgyu was kind of stressing about it since he was going to go on a trip with taehyun for a week... anyways beomgyu woke up early this morning to do his normal routine as always. wash himself, eat breakfast, brush his teeth and leaves for taehyun's house as always. as he was waiting for taehyun he feel like someone was behind him...

"lets go"

beomgyu jump's from surprise as he see the one and only taehyun that was behind him.

"w-wait u-mh what?"

beomgyu didn't have the words to speak was taehyun mad at him from the stalking ? did taehyun know that he was stalking him? what will taehyun do to beomgyu? beomgyu was more then scared.

"lets go? you where not waiting for me?"

said taehyun, he just started to walk as beomgyu slowly follows him behind to go to school. it was so embarrassing. anyways there was a lot of bus all around the school for the school trip. beomgyu saw soobin and yeonjun coming to us to great us.

"hi beomgyu, hi taehyun! lets go!"

said soobin as we follow him to go inside the bus. as we where in the bus soobin has siting next to yeonjun like always, that mean he hade to find a place to go, and as he find a free place. He sit next to the window. he knows he will be watching out of the window anyways.

as beomgyu was about to sleep but he saw taehyun sitting next to him

you can say beomgyu was more then surprise to see taehyun next to him but didn't really mind as he looked at taehyun. There wasn't any seats left so that's might be the reason taehyun was next to him.

After a good then 10 minutes of silence taehyun finally decided to speak.

"Beomgyu I have a question"

Said taehyun which it took beomgyu of gard. Beomgyu was stressing what kinda of question will he ask?

"Umh- what is it?"

Said beomgyu in a stress level voice. Probably think about his funeral already 😓

"Can I have the window seat?"

Said taehyun...that was unexpected. Well I mean...he can't day no to the love of his life so

"Y-es yes! Sure! You can have it"

Said beomgyu, as they change seats. Beomgyu really wanted to start a conversation with taehyun but didn't know how to do it. After 30 minutes, beomgyu feels something on his shoulders...something heavy... we all know it was taehyun on his shoulder and lets say...beomgyu was screaming inside! taehyun was sleeping on beomgyu's shoulder was not on beomgyu bingo list. After what look like for ever the bus finally stopped to there destination!


beomgyu was sweating his ass he doesn't understand my every time he speaks to taehyun he's always stressed just being next to him makes his heart go fast...every time he sees taehyun he just want to hug the younger.

"umh... give me a minute..."

said taehyun while literally snugging his head into beomgyu's neck. beomgyu was going nut like...REALLY CRAZY he's not use to physical touch with anyone but with even worst he was blushing like nonsense! he needed someone to save him from this hell...

"hey! beomgyu taehyun get yall ass out of the bus!"

said yeonjun, beomgyu literally jumped out of his seat and made his way out as fast as he can.

*time skip*

After going to museum it was time to go to the hotel! soobin, yeonjun, beomgyu and taehyun finally entered there hotel room after a long day and started unpacking there luggage.

"me and yeonjun are sharing the bed! taehyun-ah and beomgyu-ah both of you will share the bed!"

said soobin, beomgyu already knew that soobin and yeonjun will be sleeping to getter since the beginning... while he was unpacking his stuff soobin and yeonjun were out to go take a walk making him and taehyun left alone...pretty much expected from beomgyu. Beomgyu pretty much started to space out while looking at the love of his life ofc taehyun for the past 5 minutes.

"Is there something on my face beom?"

Said taehyun, beomgyu was not used to nicknames at all and hearing taehyun giving him a nickname made him blush like crazy Making taehyun notice his blush making him giggle

"Yk you're pretty weird and cute right?"
.𖥔 ݁

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