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"what the-"



"heuning kai?"

said yeonjun,

"yes heuning kai he has a crush on beomgyu you know that?" said soobin,

"wait...really? like my friend heuning kai? the American? are you sure he never told me how do you know is true?"

said yeonjun, i knew yeonjun will be surprised even to i thought he knew "he told me himself i swear!"

said soobin "well that great right? why do you look stress about it?" said yeonjun  "well first i just know how beomgyu likes taehyun he always blush everytime he's with taehyun and-" before soobin was able to continue what he was saying he got cut of by no one else but... "hi yeonjun and soobin!!! i didnt know yall will also be out late at night!" 

said heuning kai...


heuning kai

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heuning kai

age: 14 years old

relation : single

sexuality : bi


"oh hi heuning!" said yeonjun, "we where just leaving anyways...see you tomorrow!" 

said soobin dragging yeonjun with him not letting him speak or give heuning kai a goodbye



"what the-"

beomgyu could feel taehyun hugging him as  if there's no tomorrow... beomgyu didnt even realized that he was hugging taehyun back

30 minutes later


"finally where back! oh-" said soobin looking at both taehyun and beomgyu cuddling on there sharing bed. "there so cute awww!!!!" said yeonjun, taking a picture of both of them .

 "there so cute awww!!!!" said yeonjun, taking a picture of both of them

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(the picture in question 🥸)

"SHHH YEONJUN your going to wake them up!" said soobin, giving a side eye to yeonjun "you're the one screaming stupid" said yeonjun. after they're little argument they both went to sleep on there sharing bed.  

taehyun secretly woke up cause of the hyung making so much noise, taehyun slowly turns up to look at beomgyu.

"if only...you knew"

*time travelling 4 years ago*


May 30th 2019

today it was a simple day, 

taehyun started having a crush on beomgyu since a few weeks ago knowing about how beomgyu is stalking him and found it extremely cute how everyday beomgyu wait for him every morning to go to school, waiting for him to get out of class and waiting for him to get out of school. taehyun was pretty much a extrovert next to people but with beomgyu he can't even say a word he's pretty much a big introvert when is about  beomgyu and never dare to speak or look at him. He knew  beomgyu was also like him introvert around him, to shy to start a convo and clearly cant even look at each other. He wanted to change all that and actually be at least friend with beomgyu that's what we really wish for but knew it will take a lot of time for that wish to happen. and let's say...taehyun also started stalking beomgyu i guess they where stalker x stalker to shy to tell there feeling to each other.

*present (next morning)*


beomgyu was the first to wake up. still feeling kinda sleepy but he still gets up, takes a shower and dresses up. "I'm bored~ why wont any of you guys wake up!?!?" said beomgyu clearly annoyed that no  one is awake "come on is fucking 8 am calm down" said yeonjun cuddling with soobin "your awake so get ready the bus is leaving at 10!" said beomgyu making yeonjun annoyed "fine..." yeonjun does  the same routine as beomgyu and get's ready. after getting ready yeonjun tried to wake up soobin "soobinnie~ WAKE UP!!" said yeonjun totally waking up soobin "yah! don't scream like this!" said soobin totally piss off by yeonjun. soobin also get's ready like the 2 others "beomgyu! wake up taehyun ok? where going to get breakfast bye!" said soobin leaving with yeonjun leaving beomgyu alone with taehyun (like always :D) . beomgyu sits on the bed and tries to wake up taehyun "taehyun...wake up"  said beomgyu before getting pull in a hug by taehyun making them both of them cuddling 

"can we stay like this?"


words: 678 


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