Chapter 11: Netflix and hugs.

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(Raven's Bedroom)
Ryan's Pov
Raven and I got back to her house and she walked towards the kitchen grabbing wine.

I ran up to her and grabbed the bottle. "No no beautiful your pregnant no drinking for you if you
want something I'll get you water or something."

She put the wine glass down "Why do you care so much Ryan?"

I took her hand "Because I- because I've seen what it's like to get hurt and hell does it hurt. I want the best for you."

She frowned "Who hurt you?"

"My ex Esmeralda she moved without telling me she just left. And then when she did call me she said we weren't working and all that other bull crap."

She walked up to me and hugged me. "I'm sorry Ryan. Relationships suck sometimes."

I chuckled lightly "Yeah."

She pulled away dragging me upstairs "Let's go mope together on netflix you can choose what we watch."

We entered her bedroom and she got her laptop and logged into Netflix. I sat in the chair next to the bed and she gave me a funny look.

"If you can see from there so be it but you can sit in my bed if you want."

I blushed from embarrassment and took off my shoes and snuggled in bed with her. "How about we watch the vampire diaries?"

She smiled as she clicked on the show "I was thinking that."

I kissed her cheek and watched the vampire diaries. By the end of episode we were tangled. Her leg were around my waist and my arms were around her stomach. I made sure not to put to much weight on it though.

She looked up "Damon is so hot and so is Stefan."

I laughed "Totally. And Katherine is sexy."

She hit my arm "Elena is Katherine, Katherine is Elena. Same person."

I chuckled and clicked the next episode.

Raven's Pov
I wasn't paying much attention to this episode. I was glancing up at his lips occasionally. They looked so good and I just wanted them on mine. I looked up again and there he was staring back at me. My heart stopped as his lips crashed into mine. I kissed back and his hands went to the back of my head. The kiss was gentle kind of like our first one but better. This is our third kiss to be exact.

He pulled away smiling "God damn I could get used to this."

I giggled "So can I."

His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips as he kissed me again. We kissed for a while before he pulled away. He whispered really low but I managed to understand it. "I love you Raven."

I blushed and whispered the same words. "I love you too Ryan."

He smiled "What was that?"

I hit his shoulder "You heard me and I heard you we're even."

I heard footsteps so I figured it was Connor. Then he walked into my bedroom. "I came to check on you but your happy as ever so I guess I'll just leave."

My head shot up "Jake!"

He turned around "I don't want to talk."

I got out of bed "You and Alexis had sex right? That's what she told me at Starbucks. Is it true."

He looked down and scratched his head "Sorta. Yes we did I'm really sorry."

I nodded "That's all I needed to know you can leave now we're over."

I turned on my heels but he grabbed my wrist "Please Raven I still love you."

I jerked my wrist away "If you did you wouldn't have slept with her."

I walked into my room slamming the door behind me scaring Ryan shitless. He frowned "Come here baby."

Tears fell down my face "I want to move I don't wanna be here anymore. He doesn't even care that he has a child. But it's okay because he's not gonna see it. Congrats Raven for getting knocked up."

Ryan embraced me in a hug "Shh Raven don't say that."

I cried harder "What the hell am I supposed to do now my baby is going to grow up without a father."

"No it isn't because I'm not going anywhere."

She sat up "Wait I can move. The money you gave me I still have it. That's enough to afford a house in Miami right?"

He shook his head "Yeah."

I smirked "Wanna get out of New Jersey?"

He grabbed my hand "I'll go under one condition."

I looked at him "What's that?"

"Be my girlfriend?"

I bit my lip "Yes."

A/N- She moved on. Omg I never thought her and Jake would break up.

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