Chapter 19: Wedding Day

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(Raven's reception dress)
Two months later
Jake's Pov
Today is the day Raven will be marrying Ryan. I don't want that for her. Even though I don't deserve her she deserves me. I flew all the way to Florida just to crash her wedding. I came with Connor.

Raven's Pov
I was getting settled into my dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was absolutely beautiful. I couldn't stop smiling at myself. I knew Ryan was going to love this dress.

Ryan's sister fixed my dress "You walk the aisle in two minutes."

I grabbed my bouquet of flowers "Time to walk the aisle."

I stood in front of the door and waited for the music. When the doors opened I started walking down the aisle. Ryan's face lit up and it made me smile. When I got to him he grabbed my hands and just looked me up and down.

The preacher started his job. (The words a preacher says when marrying a person)

"Would anyone like to speak now or forever hold their peace?"

That's when everything went wrong.

"Yeah I would like to stop this marriage. Raven I love you yeah I know I messed up plenty of times but your my everything and I want to be the one to marry you. I want to raise Robert with you."

I looked at Jake and he looked adorable in his slacks and shirt. "Jake you've hurt me. Even though I love you and you know I always will love you I can never go back to you. Ryan treats me like a queen and I love it. We just grew apart I'm sorry."

Jake looked at Ryan "Your gonna regret it. She was never good in bed anyway."

Everyone gasped and I looked at him with anger "Oh really?! You dated me we had a kid together so excuse me if I wasn't any good. Preacher continue please."

(Preacher continues his marriage jabber)

I kissed Ryan and everyone cheered. Jake walked out angry as hell but I didn't care he fucked up it was his fault not mine. I grabbed Robert's hand and we rode in the limo to the place where we were having the reception. We got there and it was packed. I went to change and when I got out the bathroom Jake was there.

"You look beautiful princess."

"Do you fucking hear yourself? One minute I'm not good in bed and the next I'm beautiful. Fuck off Jake your high."

He grabbed my waist "No I'm not high. I'm sorry about what I said okay I love you I always have I'm just upset your married that asshole."

I moved out his grip "Let me go."

He grabbed my wrist "Your going on a field trip with me."

I tried to break loose "No let me go. RYAN!!"

Ryan came running and punched Jake in the nose "The hell do you think your doing with my wife?"

I pulled Ryan off of Jake "Alright that's enough Jake get the hell out of here."

He got up "You won't be seeing the last of me."

After Jake left we continued the reception it turned out pretty good we danced and had a hell of a lot of fun then we got home and packed for Dubai.

Ryan's Pov
I grabbed the suitcase and put it aside. "We'll pack later I want some time with you."

Raven smiled "No that's what the honeymoon is for."

I groaned "Fine I'll save it for tomorrow."

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