Chapter 3: Jake Called

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Raven's Pov
Nichole and I decided to take a break from the boys. They were all at Wesley's house doing god knows what while Nichole and I were out shopping. I walked into Wet Seal and fell in love with a white dress.

I looked at smiling "I'm gonna buy you but I won't be able to wear you for long."

Nichole chuckled "Why not?"

I looked at her totally forgetting that no one knew about my pregnancy except Wes. "Because I'm ugh pregnant."

Her eyes went wide "You and Wes just started dating."

I shook my head "I know it's not his. It's Jake's."

Her mouth formed and o and she patted my shoulder "I'm sorry that you have to do this alone."

"Wes said he'll help."

She smiled and continued dress shopping. We shopped around for another hour then went to Wes's house after dropping off my bags.

I walked inside the living room and they were playing video games. Wes grabbed my hand and pulled me in the kitchen.

He kissed my lips "I missed you."

I kissed him back "I missed you too, you wouldn't believe what I brought."

He smiled "What?"

I smirked "A dress."

He grabbed my waist "You sure you can fit it since your growing and all."

I laughed "For now."

Wesley's Pov
I was trying to hide my feelings. I was upset that Jake called. He called to check up on Raven after 3 months she spent calling him. I don't want to tell her because then she'll be running back to him. I don't want that. I like having Raven to myself. She deserves me after everything she's been through.

The phone rang and Raven got to it picking it up.

Raven's Pov
I couldn't believe it Jake was on the phone actually talking to me.


"Listen I miss you so much, I'm such an idiot for letting you go. When I get out I promise I'm gonna get you back and take care of my baby and were gonna move anywhere you want."

I smiled "Jake that's very nice of you but I don't think that can happen you have a lot of time."

"I know hey I called earlier Wes answered did he tell you I called?"

"Uhm no."

"Well I did and he said that he didn't want me calling you and that you were happy."

"Oh. Well I am happy but I miss you. How can I not?"

"I miss you too. How are you and the baby?"

"Great I need to make an appointment I'm hoping for a girl."

He laughed "Whatever it is it's going to beautiful just like you."

"It's definitely going to have your eyes."

"Keep wishing you might get lucky."

I chuckled at his comment.

"Listen I have to go,but remember I still love you and from now on I'll be calling your cell."

"I'll always love you too Jake, take care of yourself."

I hung up the phone and turned around to Wesley. Hurt read throughout his face and anger.

I looked at him "Why didn't you tell me Jake called?"

"Because of this he puts stupid shit into your head and you'll believe it and what the hell was that I'll always love you shit?"

I looked at him "But you don't have the right to keep that from me. He called also asking about his child. He deserves to know. He told me he loves me. I won't lie of course I still love him. I'll love him no matter what Wes. You can't be mad we dated for a really long time."

His face still had hurt written all over it "I'm well aware that this baby isn't mine. Who else do you really have though? I don't have to help with any of this but I chose to because I want to be a good boyfriend to you, you deserve the world. So you can either be happy with me or spend your time hung up over some guy that knocked you up your choice."

My blood boiled and I could feel the adrenaline running through my body. I smacked him...hard.
"Don't you ever talk about Jake that way. No he isn't just some guy. He was my boyfriend. I participated in making this baby just as much as he did."

I didn't wait for Wesley to respond I just walked out his house and back to mine. Tears escaping my eyes with every step I took.

I got to my house and unlocked the door running up the stairs past Connor. I ran and my room slamming the door shut.

A few minutes later Connor came in. "Sis what's wrong?"

I looked at him "Wes he shit talked Jake then didn't tell me he called. He got angry when I told Jake I loved him back."

Connor sat next to me rubbing my back "It's okay. I know you aren't over Jake it's hard to get over someone you love. Wes just needs time to understand that. He'll accept it sooner or later and if not he'll loose a beautiful and amazing girf."

I laughed "Girf?"

He chuckled "There's that smile."

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