Part 6 Killer Instinct

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The fact that the man is on his knees, bloodied and being dragged by his armpits, being held prisoner by four members of the Guardian Corps, seems to be of little relevance to the soldier. As the group approaches the two women, the ex-PSICOM leers at Lightning's form as if he owns her, a mocking smirk on his lips, his rude stare setting the woman's rage on fire.

"I knew in the end we would find you, Farron. We've been a looong way from home just to see your pretty ass."

"You bastard!" Lightning gives a step forward, intent on landing a punch on the despicable face, but Fang firmly takes the threatening hand by the wrist, stopping the attack.

"Easy, Sunshine. He's a prisoner, heading for a far worse future than your fist. Save your strength for something better than this trash."

Lightning glares at the warrior but complies, even though her blood is boiling for the man's insult. But one of the members of the squad that drags him, the soldier closest to the women, doesn't hold back, and kicks his prisoner's stomach, in retaliation for the jeer his superior has received.

"Show some respect to the officer, you dirt!"

As they pass by, the squad salutes Lightning one last time, and they proceed with their journey.

But in spite of the punishment, the PSICOM soldier sends a bloodied sneer at Lightning, even behind his painful countenance.

Then it all happens very fast.

The prisoner's smile morphs into something else the moment an obstructive cloud moves with the wind, and allows the midday sun to bath Lightning's form, making the soldier notice small details that had passed unseen to him: the flush on Lightning's cheek that doesn't have anything to do with her anger; her pink, full lips; the glow on her skin and the silk-like softness of her hair. Even the way she moves gives up so much information. Incredulously, and even while he's been dragged a few steps away from them, he lowers his eyes towards her belly, and at the look of it, he notices the way her barely noticeable rounded form separates the bottom part of her sleeveless white jacket, making him realize the truth, and his dark eyes open wide in terror. Without a warning, he yells a cry that would match one of a wounded animal.

"Nooo!! Abomination!! Abomination!!"

The scream startles everyone, and he takes advantage of the surprise, releasing himself from the grasp the soldiers have on him, and without breaking his momentum, he hits two of the men in the chin with his elbows. Not losing a single moment nor any effort, and before everyone else can react, the ex-PSICOM takes out a small stiletto he had been hiding under his sleeve, and without a second of hesitation, he lunges forward, aiming for Lightning's body.

"Aaaarggghhh!!! You bitch!! That child can't be born!! Abomination!! Abomination!!" He screams like a madman, his bloodshot eyes fixed wildly on Lightning's slightly swollen belly, while he moves fast, giving several quick steps closer to his target.

The small squad, now fully recovered from the surprise, lunges forward as well, an untimely attempt to stall his attack, and even Fang throws herself at the man, trying to stop him.

But no one moves as fast as Lightning, as she reacts like her namesake, blocking the man's attack with her left hand, pushing the offending appendix outwards and forcing the man to open up his guard, while at the same time, she withdraws her own knife from its holster, Serah's gift to her on her 21st birthday. She holds her weapon with a knuckle-white grip, and without hesitating either, she plunges it right below the man's chin, cutting flesh and nailing the tip of the blade deep inside the base of his skull, tearing apart the man's brain stem. The injury disconnects his brain from the rest of the body, and as a result, his limbs drop instantly at his sides, his body almost hovering, sustained merely by the hilt of the knife and the strength of Lightning's arms; the ex-PSICOM's feet and part of his legs hang lifeless, scratching the ground, the rest of his body dangling loosely, as if the man were a puppet whose strings had just been cut off.

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