Part 8 The sky is falling

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The sun is falling over the sea, the breeze becoming comfortably chilly as a result, scaring off the overwhelming heat that envelops the days of Gran Pulse's summertime. The small, warm house, is falling in semidarkness and into a soft silence, as all of the NORA members, and some of the ex-l'Cie, are enjoying a delicious time on the beach, either having fun or finishing tasks. Or with some other interesting activities.

But not the Farron sisters.

Today, Serah has refused to accompany Snow to his afternoon swimming, and instead, she has decided to spend some quality time with her sister, accompanying her to the third and last ultrasound appointment she had, and eating dinner together at Lebreau's newly opened bar. This time, she didn't even join the NORA team on their usual Friday dart contest. No. Serah had decided it was going to be a Farron's day, and that she would be accompanying Lightning all day long. That's why, while everyone else is having fun outside, both siblings are indoors, lying on Lightning's bed, Serah's head resting over Light's shoulder, while her smaller hand softly strikes the quite swollen belly, two pairs of light blue eyes staring at it, expectation and awe drawn on each of their faces, both of them enjoying this time of silence and togetherness, each knowing these few peaceful moments are the precedent of storms to come. Dark days are on their way, and they both know it, but both try to be stronger for the other.

Out of nothing, the youngest pinkette yelps, a bright smile finding its way onto her lips.

"Oh, Goddess! He moved! I finally felt him! Oh Light...! Did you feel him too?"

Lightning nods and chuckles at Serah's raw and childish emotion, as she herself feels shaken at the odd sensation of having her stomach churning and turning from the inside. She can feel the little feet moving, kicking, hurting her ribs. But it's a pain she's more than willing to accept.

Feeling elated, Serah hums lightly and rubs the exposed skin of Lightning's belly, and yelps once more as she feels another sudden bump in response. "Oh, Sis! He moved again! He's actually answering me!"

Lightning chuckles softly. "The baby knows you're his auntie, of course, he'll answer to you."

Serah's bright smile warms the soldier's chest, as the youngest Farron leans closer to her abdomen, happily speaking to it.

"Yes, baby, I'm your auntie. And I'll hug you, take care of you, love you, and buy you so many candies, your mommy will hate me for giving you caries."


"And nothing will protect you from me spoiling you rotten."

Lightning warningly raises an eyebrow at her baby sister, but Serah only beams at her and returns to her tender ministrations. The eldest Farron rolls her eyes and chuckles, defeated, as her hand finds its way over pink locks, caressing her sister's silken hair, and old gesture of hers, as the younger woman leans down and rests her head on the prominent abdomen, smiling, another kick being the only protest.

"Thank you for letting me accompany you on your appointment with Falcon." Without moving from her comfy spot, Serah interrupts the comfortable silence they had fallen into. "It was awesome to see the baby again."

"You don't have to thank me, Serah. Of course, you had to come, you're my sister, and the baby's godmother, Who else could I invite?"

Serah finally rises from her warm and living pillow, and glares at the soldier, but before she can utter a single word, Lightning chastises her with a finger pointed in denial.

"Don't even start. It's hard enough for me to accept Snow as the godfather."

"You know he'll be an awesome godfather, and that he'll love the baby as much as I will!" Serah protests and Lightning actually agrees, but it's not like she'll accept it in front of her baby sister. Trying to avoid the imminent disagreement (one they've been through over and over), she decides to change the subject and focus on prettier thoughts, knowing that Serah will tag along.

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