Part 10 Ancient Enemy

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"Hope! Did you hear that??"

The teen jumps up at Lightning's urgent voice, startled by the sudden break of silence. Before he can reply, they both hear a faint whimper coming from somewhere between them.

Lightning and Hope share a pointed look, as they try to find the source. The pinkette repeats the name louder, hoping beyond hope there might be a response.

"Michelle? Are you here?"

This time a muffled whimper was the answer, followed by a distinctive shush and what seemed to be a struggle.

Lightning's world seems to come to life the moment the sound reaches her ears, and her heart beats louder and faster. Enhancing her senses to their fullest, she finds the source right in the center of the room. Right below them, underneath the floor. The soldier and the teen look at each other, relief obvious in their stares, and Hope beams at her, as he points towards the floor. She nods her agreement.

They must be hiding in there.

The pinkette kneels and knocks on the floor, until a hollow echo returns to her. There is a hideout perfectly concealed, and they have just found it.

Ah false door. This is the place!

She leans closer and speaks louder, as her hands ram through the wooden floor, trying to find the way in.

"Michelle! Answer me please!"

The struggling and whispering lingers, but no one is answering her.

"Michelle! Please! I'm not an enemy!"

Faint whispers it's all she gets as a response. It's obvious the kids won't trust her, she doesn't want to imagine what they had to witness... but they're all running out of time. If she doesn't find a way inside, she and Hope will have to leave... The soldier shakes her head in anger.

I won't abandon them! There's got to be a way!!

Growing restless, her eyes roaming through the destroyed room, she suddenly thinks of Serah, and remembers the small school she and her dumb boyfriend had been building, giving many children classes on the beach, so that the little kids that had survived, would at least have some sense of normalcy. But... what are the chances that these particular kids were actually attending? Lightning growls, hushing her own doubts. It's a long shot, but if it's the only thing she has, she will use it.

"Michelle! I'm Lightning, Lightning Farron, I'm Serah's sister! Do you know her?"

A pause, and then...

"Y-you mean Miss Serah Farron? The teacher?"

Lightning smiles. Her instinct proves to be right once again. It's the voice of a boy the one answering her, and right after it, a girl's follows its lead, as a baby's cry makes an echo of their screaming.

"Yeah! I know you! I know Miss Serah too! She's my teacher! Please, Miss Lightning, help us out of here! Help mom and dad!!"

Oh, sweet Etro! Thank you!

Lightning is about to sob at hearing their little voices, but pushes her emotions down her throat. She needs to save them now, they need her strong and focused.

"It's okay, don't worry Michelle, I'll get you all out." Hope kneels too and they both search for the door's knob, finding nothing that could indicate the presence of a pommel or any other sort of opening mechanism.

"The person who made this hideout must've been an engineer, it's a very good job." Hope whispers, obvious awe in his voice. "I can't find the handle."

"I don't think you should be that happy." The pinkette snaps, and Hope blushes, ashamed of his comment out of place. Frustrated, Lightning leans down again towards the floor. "Hey kids! I can't open the door! You need to tell me how to do this thing."

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