Meeting new friends

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Y/n means your name

I always had a hard life. I was a test tube baby. A science experiment gone wrong. So I live in a stupid freak show. I'm ten years old and my entire life was a nightmare, I'm a Neko and I have cat ears and a tail. I learned from an early age to never trust anyone because people would make fun of me or hit me for being different. We have a show almost every day and we travel all over the place. When I'm up on stage people will laugh or scream when they see me. Sometimes people pay money to throw old food or something at me. If I don't do something that my so called boss wants I get hit or shocked by a caller I'm forced to have on.

I barely eat or sleep because I'm supposed to show myself off to people for money. My boss never shares with me. I have cuts and bruises all over me. One day we were at a small town called Ocean Shores, and I'm supposed to act like a cat and show off my body. I hate it.

Twister's point of view.
My friends and I are being dragged to a carnival by my brother's friend PI. He heard of a freak show and wanted to make fun of them. My parents told him to watch me so I'm forced to go with him. Otto and Reggie, Sam came with me for support. I was so mad at Pi for doing that to us. I also felt bad for people that everyone is calling a freak. The announcer came on stage and told us he only owns one freak.

Announcer:" Hello everybody! You are a fine audience, I'm sorry I only have one freak for you. Don't worry, she can't hurt any of you because she's in a cage. She's half girl, half cat. Or full monster. I'll let you all decide! Here she is, the freak of nature, the cat girl Y/n!"

She came out in a cage. She seems close to my age. She was all bones, poor girl must be starving. She seems like she never sleeps well. She was bleeding badly as well. Some people are screaming at her and some are laughing at her.

Twister:" This is not right! We need to break her out!"
Otto:" Dude, you can say that again, this is sad."
Reggie:" She's in a cage! Not cool!"
Sam:" We will have a better chance of getting her out tonight, I read that they will be here tomorrow as well."
Twister:" Good call, Sam, tonight we come back!"
Reggie:" Hold on you guys! I want to help her out too but she will need another place to stay!"
Twister:" No problem! She can stay with me."
Reggie:" You sure your parents won't mind?"
Twister:" I'm sure! Anyone with a heart will want to help her out!"

Time skip tonight.
My mom drove them back to the place and we all got out of the car.
Twister:" Thanks mom!"
Lars:" Where is this girl again dork!"
Sam:" Should be behind stage."
Otto:" Let's go then!"

Y/n's point of view.
I was sitting in a small cage, it's too small to stand up in. I can't sleep, my only friend I have is a golden retriever. I never trust a person to be a friend. People did this to me. I'm not stupid. All of a sudden I can hear noises from a bit away and I got scared by them. Then I see five people run up to me. I screamed.
Y/n:" PLEASE Don't hurt me!"
I got into a fetal position and began to shake in fear.
One of them opened the door to my cage. I began to cry. This was it. When I'm going to die.
Twister:" Hey, it's ok. We won't hurt you. We want to help, Y/n? Was it?"
He put his hand on my back and rubbed it. It felt good. I never had someone do anything like that before.
Twister:" My name is Twister, these are my friends, Otto, Reggie, Sam. This is my brother, Lars."
I was to scared to say anything. I was crawling as far away as I could in my cage. Twister held out his hand for me to take. He had a friendly smile, his eyes had compassion in them. He got down to my level as well. I just stared at them seeing if they will do something to hurt me. It was like that for a full 2 minutes. I decided to take his hand but I was still shaking. He helped me out of the cage and on my feet. The golden retriever came running to me just then. Her name was Jasmine. She's a stray so I named her.

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