Chapter 13 Midnight Raid

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Ok guys, so this one

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Ok guys, so this one. Verity, Peter, and Caspian weren't doing what the song said. They didn't trust in Christ. They just thought their way was better. We should trust in Christ every step we take.
Verity's pov
So we go ahead with our plan. I try to stay away from Leona as much as possible. That was the advice Peter gave me.
We were to invade the castle today in the night. By preparing, I had to teach Edmund, my brainless brother, Morse code and Glenstorm.
It was pretty easy because I only taught them the basics.
"Can't wait to see the confusion on those Telmarines' when you send the codes with your torch," I grin at Edmund.
He looks at me, grinning back, "Confusion, alright." He imitates their accent, "Philip, where did that light come from? It is quite odd looking, isn't it."
I giggle as he does it, "Well, we need to be ready for any mishaps that Leona or Caspian might cause. And I don't think it's likely a Telmarine will be called Philip."
Edmund seems frustrated with me, "Maybe she just wants a friend, Verity, and she won't cause any trouble; who knows, you might cause some."
"Huh, me being friends with that wretch; you saw how she attacked me yesterday; she gave me a big bruise," I answer; I adjust my sword belt.
"We should be getting ready, Peter doesn't like to wait."
"I am ready," Edmund grins. He is wearing a brown vest over his blue tunic.
"Good, then," I say.
As we set out to leave, Lucy watches us at the ruins. Peter lingers for a moment and looks at Lucy, who walks away. I can tell she's angry with us because we didn't wait for Aslan.
"I'm sure if Aslan wanted to help us, he'd already be here," I whisper to Peter when he catches up with us.
He nods in agreement.
It was dark when we reached the outskirts of the castle. A griffin takes Edmund towards the castle and drops him at a tower, where he begins sending messages.
"All clear!" I tell, Peter, Susan, Caspian, and Leona.
"Ruth, stay behind with our troops," Peter tells our younger sister.
"Why, can't I come with you?" Ruth protests, "Why can Verity?"
"Verity knows what she's doing," Peter answers sharply."Now listen to me. I'm your older brother, and I know when it's safe for you or not."
He was a bit harsh with her, but Ruth always obeyed as the humble person she was. Anyways, we needed her with our troops.
"Aeroplanes, ready for ascension!" I whisper my single for the griffins to pick the five of us up.
I interpret the codes that Edmund sends with his flashlight. Caspian hangs one from his griffin and takes down a soldier.
Just as we land, a soldier aims a crossbow toward Ed. Susan uses her bow and arrow to get him down, and Peter fights with his partner and gets him down.
"I hope Reep and his troops got in," I whisper to Peter.
"I'm sure they did, those soldiers would probably have thought they were just regular mice," he replies.
"But they're tying up a cat, that's what they said they'd do if they saw one," I shake my head in frustration.
"They're mice, Verity, mice and cats," he tells me, he raises his eyebrows.
"Now that seems logical," I say.
We follow the others to the professor's room; we have to climb up a rope to a tower. It makes no sense to have so many towers; not even Cair Paravel had that many.
When I reach the top, all I find is a study. There's an arrow sticking up from a book. I look at it closer, it's the cover for one of my books. I know because of the picture of the six of us, Peter, Susan, Edmund, me, Ruth, and Lucy.
"Whoever did this! I'll wring them..." I shake my fist.
Peter places a hand on my shoulder, "I'm sorry, Verity, but now's not the time."
Caspian picks up a pair of spectacles.
"What happened?" Asks Leona in shock.
"I have to find him," he looks at Peter.
"We don't have time, we have to get the gate open," protests Peter.
"You wouldn't be here without him," Caspian tells him.
"He's right about that," I say to my brother.
"I'll go with him," Leona volunteers.
"You and Verity can handle Miraz, I'll go with them," Susan says to us.
The three of them leave, while I sigh," I knew our plan would start falling apart because of them."
"We can still do this," Peter answers, pulling me along with him out of the professor's room.
Leona's pov
"He'll likely be in the dungeon," I say.
"How are we going to get the keys?" Caspian asks anxiously.
"Easy, I can handle this," Susan grins.
"We'll just steal the keys from one of the soldiers," but before I finish, we are at the dungeon and Susan shoots a soldier down and grabs his keys.
"Nice shot," grins Caspian.
I roll my eyes in disgust," Dr. Cornelius!" I call out as we walk past the cells.
I've never been here before, I realize how miserable it looks. All those men were grubby and dirty; it didn't seem they had proper food rations because they were so gaunt.
No one answers, but I see the figure of my professor trying to sleep on the cold floor.
"Caspian!" I cry out.
He runs over and unlocks the cell. He fell on his knees.
"Dr. Cornelius," I whisper, as I come in, "Are you alright?"
He wakes up and looks confused for a moment.
"Five more minutes," Caspian jokes.
"What are you doing here?" He asks us, "I didn't help you escape just so you could get back in, you better get out before Miraz knows you're here."
"Oh, he will know. We're giving him your cell," answers Caspian.
I take Dr. Cornelius by the hand, but he pulls Caspian back, "Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did." He warns.
"What do you mean?" Caspian asks incredulously.
"Miraz killed your father," Dr. Cornelius tells us soberly.
I gasp, "But why!"
Caspian runs out of the cell.
"What's he doing?" Susan inquires.
Dr. Cornelius grips my hands, "Go after your brother, he's making a big mistake!"
I know what he means. Caspian was going to ruin our whole plan if I couldn't stop him.
"Come on!" I call to Susan, "We have to stop him!"

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