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I went outside my tent and so many people

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I went outside my tent and so many people. 

There were people farming, fishing, and cooking. 

So many of those things reminded me of the glade. 

As I was walking I saw Thomas and Minho. 

As soon as Thomas saw me he ran toward me and hugged me. 

I hugged him back, with tears in my eyes. 

I thought I lost you. Thomas said. 

I smiled at him and brought Thomas into a hug once more. 

I than went to hug Minho and Gally. I was glad to see them. 

Later that day after Vice gave  huge speech Minho gave me a piece of paper. 

I found this in your pocket, wanted to hang on to it for you. Minho said. 


After Minho gave me the paper I went to go sit down by the beach and I opened the paper. 

I saw that it was a letter from Newt.

Dear Paige, if your reading this, than it means I didn't make it. It means that my life came to an end. But I don't want you to be sad about it. I remember your first week at the maze,  you were so loud and you made sure Gally didn't tell you what to do. I also remember your first ever day at the maze, when you ran and Minho tackled you. Those are the kind of memories that I want you to remember of me. Not of me dying, of me living. Paige I knew since the day I met you, that I would follow you anywhere. And I still plan on it. Paige I want you to know that I died happily. I lived a good life. I'm glad I met you and the others.  Thanks to you and Thomas I got to see what freedom was like. Paige I love you and I'm glad I met you. Keep fighting and don't ever give up. Thanks for being my sister Paige. I'll always be with you. 


As I stopped reading a few of my tears fell on the Paige. I loved Newt to. Like a brother. and I will miss him forever. 


As I came back I saw Thomas waiting for me. 

I remember what I told him before Wicked took Minho. 

I went over to him and hugged him. 

You okay? Thomas asked. 

Yeah. I said as I pulled him in and kissed him. 

Thomas pulled me closer and kissed me back. As I pulled back him smile. 

So you ready to give this a try? Thomas asked. 

Yeah. I said. 


Thomas and I headed back to the others, before we called it a night we all carved the names of who we lost on this rock. 

I carved Newt's name, while Gally carved Chole, and Minho carved Chuck, and Thomas Carved Teresa. 

I was always gonna miss each and every one of them. But I was gonna fight to live for them no matter what. 

A/n And with that Just Keep Running is over! Thank you all so much for Reading Paige's story. I am so glad you enjoyed it. I will forever miss writing Paige and Newt's friendship. But at least Paige and Thomas finally got together! Once again thank you all so much for reading Just Keep Running! 

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