ruined night

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Sophie's POV

It's finally the day of Katherine's awards dinner. Jackie had suggested I wear a long light pink silk dress to match her long coral reddish silk dress. I decided to curl my hair as Jackie was wearing hers straight. Midway through curling my hair, I hear a knock at the door. I go to open it and see Alex at the door.

"Wow, Sophie you look great" He complimented.

"Thanks, you too, did you need something?"

"I just wanted to check if Jackie was done."

"She's almost, she'll just meet you downstairs." I replied before shutting the door.

"You know you're going to have to tell him eventually." I look over at Jackie holding Cole's extra credit assignment.

"You've seen how they are, this extra credit assignment will only make things worse." Jackie tried proving her point.

"I'm sure if you just explain it to Alex he won't overreact, plus you had him promise not to hide anything from you, what good is that promise if you aren't the same way back" I told her as I sat back in my chair returning to curling my hair.

"I'll just go put it in Cole's room, no one needs to know it was from me." Jackie replied before walking out.


"Sophie, are you ready" I hear Isaac's voice coming through the door.

"Yeah, one second!" I shout back.

I put on some perfume and double checked my hair before heading out. As I open the door I see Isaac standing out there.

"Woah" Isaac's jaw dropped

"woah to you too" I joked, though he did look incredible in his grey suit with his pink and white striped button up under it.

"how did I get so lucky to be with you" Isaac comes up to give me a peck and hug. I still even with my heels was shorter than Isaac.

"you're one to talk, look at you" I gesture towards him.

"i try, let's head down more though" Isaac pushed his hair back with one hand as I linked my arm around his other.


We're all sitting at our table in awkward silence as we all stare at the empty chair next to Jackie that was suppose to be for Cole. I couldn't believe he wouldn't show up to his mom's big day.

"please can I have some?" Isaac pleaded trying to get some of Lee's ice cream.

"no, you already had yours" Lee replied

"come on, sharing is caring." Isaac continued to beg

"here take some of mine, I'm not that hungry" I passed my ice cream over to him.

"eeee thank you, i love you!" Isaac exclaimed giving me a peck on the cheek as another thank you.

"you do too much" Lee said side eyeing Isaac causing me to let out a chuckle.


Cole finally arrived, but extremely drunk. As you'd expect, he COMPLETELY ruined Katherine's night. He not only crashed into a worker and started yelling, but he did all of this during her speech, to which she cut short. I felt so bad for her.

"Jackie don't" Alex sternly states holding onto her arm.

"I have to" Jackie replies in the same tone.

She had got up to help Will get Cole out of the building. Alex looked defeated yet angry by Jackie's decision. It had been a bit and no one had come back, I stood up deciding to go make sure everything was ok, because with those two something always goes wrong. Walking out I passed by Will who looked upset. That can't be a good sign.

"I don't want to fix anything with you" I hear Cole say as I step out.

I see Jackie and Cole face to face by a pole, Jackie on the verge of tears.

"Then what do you want?" Jackie yells back.

"I want you and Sophie to have never come here" Cole couldn't have meant that, could he?

"Well I want my family to not have died!" Jackie is now tearing up as she walks off. She made quick eye contact with me before walking into the building.

walking back in all the Walter's and Garcia's eyes were on us. As I sit back down I see Isaac looking at me, I could tell he wanted to know what happened outside. I look over at Jackie and see that Alex is refusing to look her in the eye.

"Cole said he wished Jackie and I never moved here" I sighed whispering towards Isaac and Lee

"WHAT?!" the Garcia boys whisper yelled back at me.

"you can't be serious?"

"trust me I'm just as shocked" I know that Jackie is a firm believer of "drunk words are sober thoughts" meaning she probably will be thinking about this for a while. I just hope the rest of the night went smoothly.


Heading home the atmosphere was super tense. Alex hadn't spoken to Jackie since she went to go help Will get Cole out of the party, George and Katherine looked upset at what happened, and Cole just looked like a mess. Jackie had been ranting to me about what Cole said and about how Alex was ignoring her.

"look Jackie, I think you should just talk with Alex to see why he's acting like that, and as for Cole, just don't think too much into it. It probably was just an in the moment type thing, I doubt Cole meant it." I tried reasoning with her.

"I don't know, I just hate being in the middle of this whole thing with Alex and Cole."

"you just have to make it clear to Alex that you are choosing him and not Cole." I explained to which she nodded.

"now, we should head to bed it's getting late." I said lying down.

"ok, goodnight Sophie"

"goodnight Jackie"


Author's Note

#1 on the walterboys tag !! I'm incredibly thankful for all the support. Sorry for another short and boring chapter, I'll be writing more hopefully after my math test.

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