moments with others

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Sophie's POV

"This is going to look so cute on you. Here try it on!" Grace cheerfully states holding up a hat she'd brought for Jackie.

"I don't wanna go" Jackie reluctantly took the hat from Grace putting it on her head.

Ever since the awards dinner, Alex hasn't spoken to Jackie. He had also found out about the extra credit assignment Jackie had that was for Cole, which I told her would become a problem, but she didn't listen. Alex had told Isaac that he feels like Jackie's picking Cole over him, which is insane.

"You have too! Look, the county fair is part of your assimilation into Silver Falls life, you have to look the part." Grace explained causing me to laugh.

"I don't think Alex cares if my outfit screams hoedown or not." Jackie beckoned while looking at herself in the mirror.

"I think he has more important things on his mind"


"like competing, and, like, why he's still mad at me."

"he's still mad at you? From the awards dinner? That was ages ago."

"and all because of Cole, who is just so awful." After Cole's outburst, Jackie had also refused to talk to him.

"maybe it's like uh, you know, a boy tugs on your pigtails, it's actually because he likes you." Grace said while sitting on my bed.

"I hate that idea though. Anyways, I'm with Alex. At least I think I am" I walk over to give Jackie a side hug to hopefully make her feel somewhat better about this whole thing.

"you just need to go talk to him" I advised

"i've tried"

"try again" Grace added

"ok here try these boots on yeah, it'll look great on you"  Grave said changing the topic to get Jackie's mind off this whole thing. The rest of the time Grace was just playing dress up with Jackie and I for the fair.


Later that night Jackie was talking to me about how she cleared everything up with Alex which made me really happy for her. Along with that, she had talked to me about this interview she got for an internship with a Princeton alumni. As she was having me run practice questions with her we hear the door open and see Danny peering in.

"hey, you guys busy?"

"just helping Jackie practice for her interview tomorrow-" I stop myself after seeing a letter in Danny's hand

"is that-"

"yeah, it's from Juilliard"

"I can't open it" Danny sighed before turning the letter and giving me the go ahead to open the letter for him. As Jackie and I are scanning through the letter, we see that he got in making us both look up at him with a smile.

"i got in?!"

"you got in!!"

"what?!" the joy was short lived though because once Danny started reading the letter his face dropped.

"what's wrong?" Jackie asked.

"I don't know if i'll be able to go, I mean I'll need room and board plus there's the tuition" Danny looked so disappointed.

"I'll call uncle Richard. He has more bedrooms than he knows what to do with!" Jackie started

"Oh and I'll bet he knows somewhere you can get a job to cover tuition" I continued.

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