.~°Chapter Three°~.

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"Say what!?"

Mel was watching Brenda pack up Fizz's bag, which was barley anything besides his music tapes and player, since his phone was incapable of playing music, and drawings, since he loved to draw, and they looked spectacular to see. Fizz was sitting on the bed of his apartment, telling Brenda what to leave and what to burn in the trash can fire.

"Yeah, I'm going to say in Lust for a while, and it's so exciting since I've never been in any of the rings before, but also fucking terrifying." Fizz said as Brenda showed him all of his jester outfits. "Hey Fizz, you still want al-" "Nope, burn all of them. If I'm leaving Greed, I don't want those disgusting things coming with me!" Brenda only bobbled her head as she threw them in the fire.

"Well, when are you leaving? And where are you going to stay at?" Brenda asked as she gave Fizz his mini backpack with everything he asked to keep for himself. Mammon said I should be able to leave today, and he even got me a place to stay for the time being!" Brenda gave Fizz a look of suspicious, because Mammon would never give out a free place to stay, and him paying out of his own pocket. But Fizz was his star preformer, so she didn't question further.

"Plus, Mammon gave me the original prototype prosthetics, so that I can still move and not bound to a bed or the floor. But it's only legs, so no arms just yet." Fizz pointed his head to the worn looking and rusted prosthetics on the bed. Brenda and Mel gave Fizz a sad look before going back to the prosthetics. Finally, Mel said, "Are you sure those things are safe for you?"

"Pff, of course not! But I begged Mammon, which I never do, and I don't want to use the wheelchair until I get new ones. These were the closest thing to my beging, so I'm taking it for now." Fizz said as he signaled Mel and Brenda to help put them on.

Both of them complied, and got the rusted down things. How to put them on was easy, since Fizz was and has been doing it for years. The second they put the robotic legs close to the stubs, they attached themselves to him automatically. Fizz stretched out his legs as a yest, and even though the belonged in the fire with his jester outfits, they still worked, but had sparks coming out.

"They work perfectly!" Fizz said as he stood up, but after a minute, he started to wobble before he tumbled to the ground. Luckily, Mel was there to grab him just in case he fell, so he didn't break his face. "Yeah, your still using the wheelchair." Brenda said as she went over to where it was.

Fizz only pouted, because now all his begging was for nothing, and he really didn't want to be stuck in it. But he still complied anyway.

"Fine, I'll go-Hey! Put me down Brenda!" Fizz said as Brenda picked him up from off the bed, and started to walk around with him like a baby. "Brenda, put me down- Hahahahah!" Fizz laughed as she tickled him in his weak spot, and she was also giggling along. Finally, she took him back in the room and sat him down in the wheelchair, before hugging him.

"I know you hate this wheelchair, but you need it right now, and we know that you hate be confined in one place, so you can live with it for a while, for at least me and Mel, if your okay with that." Fizz only nodded in response, and used his tail to hug her back.


"They must be here!" Fizz said happily to the both of them, and he used his tail. To grab his backpack before Brenda rolled him downstairs. Mel was quickly following them, but stopped when she saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was a photo of Fizz, who looked like a baby since he was wrapped in a blanket. Carrying him was an older woman, but no dad in the picture. She grabbed the picture and ran out of the empty and forgotten room behind her, and closed the door.

When she caught up with them, she sneakily opened the mini backpack and put the picture inside, and closed it again.

While Fizz didn't notice anything, Brenda gave her a, 'What the fuck did you put inside?' look, but she caved when she gave Brenda a pleading look and to not say anything. When they made it to the door, Fizz used his tail to open it easily, and they saw a girl on the other side.She looked around 25, and to also be an artist or something, since she carried a sketchpad and pencil in her horns. She wore a plain white shirt, dark blue bell bottoms, and tan boots with white fluff. Her hair was in beautiful curls, and her horns had leftover paint on them.

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