Prologue - The gift's arrival

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— That was one exhausting training... — Ochako Uraraka approaches the dormitory building, with a few other girls from Class 1A following her.

— I have to agree. It was tiring, but trainings are very necessary. — Momo Yaoyorozu comments, as she opens the door.— It will definitely help us become great pro heroes.

The girls are returning from hero training class in late afternoon, drained from energy and heavily breathing from exhaustion. As they enter the 1A common room, they see some of the boys crowded around the table.

— Woah, what's this commotion? — Mina approaches the group and looks over Kirishima's shoulder. — Huh? A box? —

Now almost the whole class is gathered around the seemingly plain gift box, with only a few of the class missing.

— Should we open it or something? I mean, it seems to be a present, so maybe it's a present from Aizawa? Maybe he finally decided to redeem himself for all this rigour... — Denki Kaminari says half jokingly, only to get a punch on the shoulder from Jirou. — Ouch... — He scowls dramatically rubbing the sore spot.

— It's unlikely. It could be a trap, you moron. It wouldn't be a first time someone tried to attack as. — She says annoyed. — Is there no name on it? —

Sero shakes his head.

— Strangely, no. I was the first one to find it, right next to the TV. I was rather reluctant to open it, since I had no idea who it was for. And in the end everyone gathered here because of it. —

— So... Should we get Mr. Aizawa or-...
— Ochaco suggests, but doesn't get to finish her thought because of the interruption of a certain angered voice.

— Extras, what the hell are you all talking about so loud, hah?! — Bakugo enters the room, clearly very annoyed, as usually of course.

— Bakugo, there you are, we just-... — Kirishima starts to exclaim with a grin.

— Shut it, Spiky Hair. —

— Iida already went to get Mr. Aizawa, didn't he? *Ribbit* — Tsuyu turns to Uraraka.

The door to the room opens, and Aizawa tiredly enters the room with his yellow sleeping bag hung over his shoulder and Iida walking behind him, with his usual robot-like posture.

— What is it, that was important enough to interrupt my sleep? — He asks in a monotone voice, looking at his students.

After a few people together explain the whole situation with the box of unknown origin, Aizawa stares blankly at them.

— And you really think bringing your homeroom teacher is necessary...? — He asks in a sort of deadpan voice.

— Well... After the USJ incident, everyone, including you, Mr. Aizawa, told us to be very wary of everything. — Iida answers in a loud voice, moving his hand in a straight motion up and down.

— Just open it. If something is wrong, wake me up. — Aizawa says before getting into his sleeping bag and plopping himself onto the couch.

Everyone stays silent for a moment, just deciding not to comment on the teacher's nonchalant behaviour. Iida decides that as the class president it's his responsibility, and proceeds to open the box. He has a startled look on his face for a moment, as he stares at the contents of it, so the rest of the group also glances into the present.

CDs. A lot of them.
And a letter.

— Now that's... interesting. — Momo says picking up the letter. Jirou and Ochako both look over her shoulders at it.

— Ooh! Read out loud! — Mina exclaims with slight excitement in her voice.

Momo clears her throat and starts to read out loud the contents of the letter :

"Good evening, dear Class 1A! I'll just get straight to the point I guess. The cassettes in the box are videos including all of you. It's a series that follows mostly the story of one of you. I sadly can't go into much detail, since they're confidential, but you all are invited to watch and enjoy the show. ~J"

— What? — Kirishima asks in confusion.

Kaminari gasps — Wait, wait, wait, dude, ain't no way, that's literally so cool, it's like we're in an Anime! — He shouts, grabbing Kirishima's shoulder and shaking him.

— What's going on? — Shoto Todoroki's cold voice can be heard by the group, as he comes down the stairs to the common room.

Everyone's silent for a moment, because of the slightly intimidating aura the guy has brought with him. After a short while, everyone who was in their rooms up until now, was now in the common room as well.

— Well, don't know about you all, but I think it would be pretty cool to watch them, huh? — Sero says looking between the group.

— Wait... are we really not going to question how someone could have... recorded us or something without us noticing it at all...? — Says Midoriya who was now also in the small crowd, looking slightly concerned.

— I mean, if we already have gotten a gift it would be rude to not watch it, right? — Says Ochako, trying not to sound too excited, but she actually was just as curious about it as well as the rest.

Iida steps forward — As the class president I suggest we settle this with democracy! Please raise your hand if you think we should play the videos! — He says in a loud voice.

Most of the group raises their hands, except just a few. Shoto stands there, staring warily at the box. Katsuki is leaning against a wall, not bothering to get invested.

— Should we wake up Mr. Aizawa? *ribbit* — Says Tsuyu looking sideways at the man, who is cooped up at the corner of the couch in his sleeping bag.

After Aizawa wakes up and recluctantly stands up, he also gets persuaded to watch.

And that's where the show begins.


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