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Michelle's Pov:
Im home now and in the shower, my music is playing whilst washing my hair when i hear a buzz on my phone. I instantly lean over to grab my phone and see the notification, oh its just Riley. I place my phone back down and continue my shower.

A few minutes later i step out of the shower and then wrap a towel around me. I get my moisturiser and lotion and rub them into my face and body, vanilla flavoured of course. I then look at my phone again, nothing from the dance tour.

Im now getting changed into some clothing, leggings and a pink top. I do keep checking my phone but nothing has came through from the dance tour, the site said they reply in 2 hours and its been 1hr 45mins. I sit down on my vanity and blow dry my hair quickly, i need to get to the studio.

Emilys Pov:
Sitting in the office waiting for Michelle is nerve racking, she wouldve gotton the email by now and she obviously hasn't told me. I then hear a knock on the door.

"Oh hey Richelle." I motion for her to come in.

Richelle: I was thinking now Noah has left i could be dance captain.

"Richelle..." i sigh. "I haven't even gotton around to it Richelle."

Richelle: But-

"Richelle not now." She gets up and leaves, ive got too much on my mind for a dance captain. Then i see Michelle rush past Richelle.

Michelle: Em, im panicking.

"Why whats happened!" I stand up whilst Michelle is pasting.

Michelle: I've heard nothing back and its been over two hours!

"Ok calm down and sit down." She sits. "They will reply to you, they cant just leave you without saying if you got accepted or not."

Michelle: I geuss so, there might be lots of people auditioning!

"Yeah most probably anyways we need to think of a dance captain!" I change the subject.

Michelle: yeah ok um, off the top of my head I think the decision is between Richelle, Summer and Kenzie. But i believe Richelle is the only one really wanting it.

"Yeah she's asked me 12 times this week, i think we should just give it to her."

Michelles Pov:
I sit down with Emily and do some work, but thats when i hear my phone buzz again. I quickly pick it up and see it's from the dance tour! Omg, i dont want to open it...i need to though.

"Em! Its them." I look at her.

Emily: what did it say?

"I cant open it, im nervous." I start shaking.

Emily: Better sooner than later Mich.

"Ok ok." I open the email and OMG! "THEY ASKED ME TO GO TO NEW YORK!" I jump up and down.

Emily: See i knew you could do it Mich, come here. *i give her a hug and a long kiss* so when do you have to head to New York?

"Wednesday, so 2 days! I need to get packing."

Emily: I'll email the dancers that we will be away for a couple of days and then lets go pack for this New York trip!

"Im going to text Ri, she might be able to give us some good hotels." Emily nods.

I text Riley and wait for a reply, she instantly replies saying that the 'hotel moshè" is a good one. I search up the site and see a double bed room is $200 a night! Well i geuss its worth it. I book the room for 2 days and three nights, perfect.

"Em i booked the hotel, 2 days and 3 nights." She nods and we head out of the building, im holding her hand of course.

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