-Im here for you, whenever.

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I first encountered Liam when I was 12.

We had moved in across the road, immediately our mums became best mates even worked together. So me and Liam saw a lot of each other.

I wouldn't say we were "mates" but whenever one of us went to the others house we hung out together.

I think I always thought he was cute, eventually thinking he was cute turned into a bit of a crush, the thing was he was 16, I was 12, 4 years older than me.
He obviously just saw me as a kid.

As the years went on those feelings kinda remained.. but at the same time washed away, it was confusing but when January 1993 rolled around and I was freshly 16, i had met an amazing guy, or so I thought.

The first red flag should have been that he was a lot older then me, more older then Liam.. but I was so in love with the guy that him being 6 years older then me was basically irrelevant. For the first 6 months everything was good perfect even, but at the 6 month mark we decided I would move out of home, away from Liam, into his flat. That's where his true colours started to shine, I started realising it all and everyday there was a different red flag.

Like how possessive he was, how if I was late from work he'd blow up, how I couldn't even go to the shop or my parents house without telling him, how he had to know who my friends were, how I couldn't talk to other guys, and if I went anywhere near Liam he'd argue about it for days.

He hated Liam, with a passion. Even though I don't think they knew eachother or atleast not to my knowledge but I did know that he really did HATE Liam, whenever we were at my parents and Liam was there the tension was very much real, or how if we went down to the shops and Liam was there dirty looks would be exchanged.

My whole life had been tough love, in fact the only love I had ever known from the teachings of my siblings was that love is arguing, and mean, unfaithful and abuse, at least I could always say he never hit me. Until he did.

THe first time it happened was about 2 months after we had moved in together, he had seen me talking with a male coworker and lost his shit the second we walked in the door, when it happened I was shocked I could honestly say I had never been hit before, he immediately apologised saying it was an accident, but would he make the same accident over and over again, sometimes every day.

I never had the guts to tell my parents, they had always taught me to stay away from people like him, I always agreed and said people who stayed in abusive relationships were stupid, but now I understood.

I put up with him and his beating for another 4 months until he had dolled out his final straw, I was done. But I knew it wouldn't be easy, I had to work strategically and fast. One night when he was out on one of his many drinking benders I finally had the courage to call my mum and ask her to come and get me, she was there at lighting speed and helped me collect all the my things before we set off home I spilled the beans to my mum and broke down on the way, she told me she had a feeling something wasn't right, from the many gossip sessions her and Peggy had. Peggy had seen me around a lot, and everytime she told my mum I looked miserable, I had seen Liam around a lot and even Liam reported back to my mum saying I looked sad and lonely a lot despite my boyfriend being next to me.

A couple days after my leaving, my now ex boyfriend had been trying to track me down until my mum called him and got into a very heated argument with him, Peggy held me close during those phone calls, she was always a shoulder to cry on it broke my heart even more when I saw her shed a tear for me and tell me I deserved more then him. Eventually my ex boyfriend got the point when we said if he tried anymore we were going to take it to the police and get more then a restraining order.

Early January 94 rolled around and I had been back at home for a month, freshly 17, in the month I had been back home I hadn't much seen Liam I had learned be had also been going through a breakup with a toxic person, the same as me. They had gone out for a year, but she was obsessed followed him and his band everywhere. She was abit of a manipulative cunt.. and threw tantrums when she didn't get what she wanted.

My mum had been telling me that I should hang out with Liam, and Peggy had been telling Liam he should hang out with me. They thought it would be a good idea for us to talk to eachother about our problems because we would both understand eachother.

Eventually we did end up hanging out together, and immediately bonded over our relationship problems, soon we were bonding over everything and very quickly became best mates. We hung out everyday from chilling in our rooms to me going to their gigs.

Old feelings started coming back immediately, but it wasn't just a little crush anymore I was falling in love with the him and hard.

For six months we hung out everyday and he really helped me move on and start being happy, truely happy but the dreams didn't stop, when me and my ex had broken up and I moved back home I started having bad dreams every night almost, I usually woke up in a panic but there were times my parents had to wake me up and calm me down.

Early June 94 me and Liam were chilling in my room on my bed, a usual for us. But what wasn't usual was the tension in the room which was soon cut off by both of us leaning into to each other.

Our first kiss, it was beyond magical the feeling of electricity shooting through my body as he slowly kissed me, it took its next turn when I moved to straddle his lap and we started gripping at eachother clothes.

And suddenly I'm left thinking we're not just friends anymore...

Authors note-

YALL I DONT MEAN THIS STORY/AGE GAP TO BE WEIRD IN ANYWAY, liam is 21 while reader is 17, which is legal 😭 please don't view in a creepy manner..

Lots of love <3

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