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Its been two days since kai texted me and i haven't responded.I decided to call him this time and see wassup

"Hey kai"

"Yo wassup!"

"Well i saw the message and now im free,still bout it?"



"Send me the adress,I'll pick you up once im finished setting up!"

"Nah dont hurt yo head man,take my number and send me your location and I'll pull up now!"

"Ite bett,this a sleep over theme type shi,so pack a bag"


I ended the call and began to pack some clothing.I texted the girls and they were going to get ready and meet me here.My phone dinged,i peeped and saw kai sent me the location on whatsapp.

The girls came as we took pictures before we got into the car.I posted and texted kai that we were on our way as we pulled off.

I posted and texted kai that we were on our way as we pulled off

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Yoyomi✔️:On my chill shii😶‍🌫️🥶hair done by @ArrogantTae

Cherise decided to drive we pulled up to this large house.The gates immediately opened as we drove up the driveway and pulled up by the door as kai greeted us.
He gave us ass a hug as he stared at cherise.Me wnd taylor stayed back and watched everything.They held eyes contact as taylor cleared her throat.

"Come inside"We followed him to his room as he asked us to step one side for a second as he start and introduced us.

"Sup chat!Got some good stuff yk yk!Yo!Yo!Yo!YOMI!"

I laughed as I entered the view.He introduced the girls and we all sat down.
"So how are you?"i asked once i got comfortable

"Good,We bout to get lit asf!"He pulled out his phone and typed way his life.I read the chat as they snitched on him texting the other boys.

$5 donated
User627:kai told agent cherise is fine,ion blame him they all bad asf😍😍

We laughed as he looked up from his phone with his mouth hanging."yall hungry?"

"I mean yeah"Taylor answered while me and cherise nodded

"The assistant bout to send someone with the food now"

Someone greeting us caught our attention as we turned and watched a beautiful girl brought us food.

"Kai not you doing tooooooooo mfk much!"i said as she placed the food infront us

"Nah this gone introduce one of the guys"i raised my brow as lifted the tray while cherise held the other and showed the chat

"Nah this gone introduce one of the guys"i raised my brow as lifted the tray while cherise held the other and showed the chat

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"Yall look at all of this!"I said as the chat spammed fanums name

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"Yall look at all of this!"I said as the chat spammed fanums name.I looked over at kai as he held up five fingers.


Someone knocked on the door as we looked at kai."he knocking?"Kai asked confused as he stood up and walked to the door.
Before he could get halfway the door busted open as fanum and chris walked in"wassup".

Fanum slowly walked to us with his hand in his pockets as he greeted everyone."what yall up to?"he asked as he held out a plate.

We laughed and gestured for him to take what he wanted as he grabbed a chair and placed it beside Taylor.

"Okay yall lets eat and get the rest up in here,yall tell duke and agent come over!"kai told the chat as we began to eat

"Agent and davis stepped out for a sec!"Chris spoke as he sat on the floor in the corner but still in the view.

"Duke coming!"Kai said as we ate.

I sat back and ate a burger.

"Okay y'all mukbang and then lets get lit!"kaid said as he ate a burrito.

$2 donated
FanFanum:the way fanum eating the glizzy is crazy!

I turned and saw fanum ate half the glizzy as we laughed.

"So where each of yall from"kai asked as i wiped my mouth.

Taylor:New York

"Could hear the jamaican accent"he stared at cherise as she stared right back at him.Silence filled the room as we were interrupted by someone.


I faced straight as everyone turned."Look here bro"The side of my eyes i saw fanum moved his chair back a lil as a chair was placed beside me.
I turned and faced him as he stared right back at me.He bit his lip and checked me out from head to toe.I did the same as he stared right back at my eyes.

"Oou"kaid teased as I turned and faced him.He smiled his face off,literally.

I shook my head and sat back in my chair as i felt an arm over the top of the chair.

"Y'all ready for this shit chat!?"he yelled out

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