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"Babe,you aite ova dere?"Duke asked as i laid back and covered my face from the sun.I checked my instagram story and the views.

Today the amp boys rented out a yacht.I made sure to kept my ass from the camera.Me and Duke haven't spoke on going public and honestly it don't matter to me.I would love showing my nigga to the world but ik duke is a private person so imma stand back if he ever get to the point that he is comfortable.

"Sup sis"fanum sat beside me with a plate of food.I sat up as he pushed his hand out and offered some.
I took a fry and dust the salt off my finger.

I looked up at everyone eyes were wide open."that nigga share food now?"Duke said as he scrunched his face up.

"Yeah,He does"Taylor said as she sat in his lap.
He began to feed her as duke walked over to me with a plate."you hungry?"I nodded as he began to feed me.

I ate as the boys talked about their next video.
I scrolled through my gallery and looked at pictures me and duke took.

"You want to post um?"I looked up and stared at him as he waited for my response.

"I thought you not into that public shit?"I asked as I sat up.

He pulled me onto his lap and he rubbed my leg."Yeah but if that's what you want to do"I interrupted him with a kiss

"No,I'm good."I smiled as we turned and continues eating watching the moon take over the sky.

Hours later

We stayed in the middle of the ocean as the boat came to a stop.An emergency boat picked up Kai,cherise,agent,Chris and Davis.

Me,Duke,fanum and Taylor stayed while the rest go and prep the house for some party tomorrow night.

"You pretty asf ma"he said as he rubbed my ass."I want to be like this forever"he spoke as he kissed my ear.

"You perfect,You lips,yo face,Yo eyes,You like a good ass woman with an amazing soul"I smiled and laid my head onto his chest

"That fucking smile man"He smiled as he bit his lips.He grabbed my neck and pulled me into a kiss.

"Yo so damn fine"He said once again as he rubbed his thumb over my cheeks.

"Yall so cute"Taylor cooed

"Yeah they ite"Fanum said as Taylor slapped his shoulder

"What,I said they ite!I meant they look good togther shi!"He spoke as she gave him a straight face

She walked over to us and Showed a picture of me and him.
"Send that to me rq"He said as she sent it to me and I sent it to him.

DukeDennis posted **

DukeDennis posted **

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I liked it as he wrapped his arm around me as he rocked side to side."That ass too!MMMM!"He slapped my ass as i laughed.

I began to doze off as I laid my head on his shoulder and stared at the shimmering sky's in the ocean."Sleep ma"I closed my eyes.

The Next Morning

I woke up and walked into the bathroom.Duke stood in the mirror as he brushed his teeth.I stood beside him and did the same.Once he finished he walked over to me and held my waist.

I finished washer my toothbrush out as he grabbed my hand and lead me into an elevator."Where we at?"I asked as he stared at me.

"The crib"He answered.
I pulled out my phone and began to snap.I took a picture of Duke in the background as he held up his fingers in each of my videos.

"Look good asl"He spoke as he' took my phone and stared at the photo."thank you baby"I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Since yo ass kissed me on the cheek.I was talking about myself"I pushed him as he laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

The elevator doors opened as we walked into the kitchen and everyone was talking.

"Good morning"i said as everyone greeted me.
I sat at the table and scrolled through instagram. "the fuck"I breathe out as I stopped on the shade room.

Duke rushed over to me and bm rubbed my back"you okay?"I turned the phone and showed him.


Hate to see a nigga do for another when he didn't do for you.

"Sis took yo man"😂😂Pft please,If i wanted him Yomi know what time it is.

DukeDennis ex girls had a lot to say on twitter about his recent post with another lady who is alleged to be famous model/entrepreneur YoYomi.

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