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I sat up as the bed was empty.

We left the party early last night and the girls already knew wassup cause they ass set me up but it's okay I'll get them back....but anyways duke decided to bring me to one of his penthouses.

I searched the bed for my phone as I finally found it under the pillow.I looked at all the notifications I've received from instagram.

I opened my phone as saw me and duke all over the shade room.I shook my head and felt my hair as it was flying.Tae got to work on my hair this nigga turn a straight buss down into waves.

Duke entered the room shirtless and a towel wrapped around his waist."morning"he say the tray of breakfast on the bed.

"From your boy fanum!"He tried to speak but kept laughing and interrupting himself
"That nigga fanum just popped up and said give this to you!"He began to laugh again as his voice sounded like a broken record "and-and he knew you was here and he figured your guts was empty by now"

Duke held up a burger and some ice in a bag.
"What the fuck the ice for!"I asked as he placed it between my legs.!

"Fanum said it's a sex kit."we both laughed out as I sat up and he threw a ice into his mouth.

"The girls said something bout yall having a lingerie party,So imma let you have the party here at the penthouse,Imma turn off the cameras and shit and ill be back after 2.I got two videos to shoot with the boys so everyone should be sleeping by that time."he spoke as I nodded and took a bite from the burger.

"Okay"I spoke as I cleared my mouth from the food

"And tomorrow get yo sexy ass in a dress by 9,you hea me.?"He stopped dressing and looked at me.I stared into his eyes and nodded

He leaned down to my face "I need words baby"He said as i opened my mouth and said okay.
He took a bite from my burger and grabbed me by my throat and place the burger from his into my mouth.

Me stared at me as i chewed and bit his lip.Placing this thump in my mout.I got up and crawled closer to his pants and pulled it down.

"Suck my shit ma"He bit his lip as i pushed my hand into his beach shorts and pulled his dick out.I kissed the tip and stared at him as i took him in my mouth.

He suck on air and leaned his head back.I grabbed his shirt and pulled it as he looked back into my eyes.Duke grabbed my hair and pushed himself further down my throat."Oh fuck baby"He speed up the face and held my face as spit began to form and bubble.

"Just like that!"He began to fuck my face as his dick pushed through the saliva as a gushing noise filled the room.He leaned over and rubbed my clit.

I took him fully into my mouth and I massaged his balls.I slowly sucked him to the tip and sucked his balls as I jerked him and rubbed my thumb on the tip.

"Shiii,I'm coming"He moaned out as I place him into my mouth,the cum began to shoot out and filled my mouth.

I sat back as he breathe heavily,I opens my mouth and showed him all the cum in my mouth as he bit his lip."Do it!"I swallowed at his command and he grabbed my face and gave me a kiss.

"Fucking nasty ass"I hummed as he pulled me by my legs and kiss down my thighs.The door opened as someone cussed out

"What the fuck!"Duke shout out and covered me.He opened the door and Chris stood there looking at the door.

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