Chapter 1 : Wake Up

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"Please can I have 2 volunteers to help me out with open evening tonight?" Mrs Oliver's voice echoed in the empty classroom. I looked around not seeing anyone putting their hand up, I decided to volunteer since I didn't want to go home tonight, plus it will get me extra positive academic points. As I raised my hand up, another guy that sat on my table raised his hand.

"Thank you Y/N and Hoseok for being generous. Please stay at school until 9 since it ends then. I really appreciate you two." Mrs Oliver sighed as she dismissed us for lunch. As I packed my bag I realised I have never spoken to this guy in front of me even though we have been sitting on the same table for months. Perhaps I seemed too cool with my Resting B Face, or he just wasn't interested in being friends with anyone. While I was still sinking into my own thoughts, a voice snapped me back to reality.

"Hey Y/N, would you like to meet here after school as we are both helping out tonight?" It was Hoseok. I blinked and looked at him in his eyes while processing the question.

"Yea, sure." I replied him with a short sentence as I was mesmerised by his brown eyes. This was the first time I have looked at his face properly, with eye contact. His smile complemented by his dimples made him look approachable. As much as I would like to look at him, I had to meet my friends in the common room.

"Is there anything on my face?" Hoseok questioned while rubbing his cheeks.
"Oh no, there isn't." I shook my head.
"Ah, I thought there is pen ink on my face since you were staring at me." He chuckled and carried his bag on his right shoulder. "I'll see you soon." He greeted as he left the classroom, leaving me standing under the doorframe. I felt a vibration in my pocket and reached for my phone. After seeing the message my friends sent me, I rushed to the common room.

As soon as I arrived at the common room, I could see my friends waving at me from the table at the corner. I walked over and sat in the window seat.

"Hey Y/N, how's maths?" Jackson asked as I unpacked my lunch.
"How different can maths lesson be lol. Same as usual but I talked to a guy I have never talked to." I chuckled.
"Oooooo, spill!" Jennie nudged me in my left arm.
"It's not that big of a thing. He's on my table but I only know his name today. By the way I'm helping out with open evening tonight." I shrugged.
"I see. Is he good looking?" Jennie asked with blinking eyes.
"Hey! You have me as a boyfriend. Why would you care about other guys." Jackson pouted as he pretended to be jealous.
"Right, I'm not going to answer the question and cause any drama here." I rolled my eyes as I saw Jennie cupping Jackson's face with both hands.

I opened my lunchbox and saw a plain panini lying flat. My friends were used to me bringing the same food everyday. At first they would judge me for eating a plain panini, but now they would just ignore it. Plain paninis are boring but I like them. You could taste the flour and the yeast with a smokey flavour, its chewy texture on the surface and spongey insides really gives the panini a unique taste. Anyway, as I munched on my panini, I opened my sketchbook and started drawing the cat that was licking its fur while sitting on the window sill.

The pips went off and my friends were packing up. Since I was going to have a free period, I stayed in my seat and continued drawing cats. I fell asleep as the warm air was making me feel lazy, I spread my arms across the table and laid my head on top of my pencil case. My eyelids felt heavier as I lost consciousness. Maybe I was too stressed about school stuff, I started dreaming of cats in tutus and yellow wellies jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

"Y/N? Hey, are you alright?" A concerned voice appeared in my sweet dreams. "I'm guessing you are asleep. But we have to help out tonight." The voice continued. I realised it was not a mysterious man speaking in my dreams, therefore, I opened my eyes as I stretched my back. Hoseok was sitting on the opposite chair looking at me. I fixed my hair and greeted him.

"There's something on your face," Hoseok said while pointing at my face. "It's a pencil mark." I looked at the reflection in my phone and rubbed the pencil mark off, then packed my stuff.
"Sorry, I was too tired and fell asleep here." I apologised as we walked to our maths classroom.
"Oh no, don't worry. I didn't see you in maths so i assumed you were resting in the common room." He opened the door as he mentioned. The both of us walked into the classroom where Mrs Oliver was excited to see us. We put our bags down and started decorating the room.

"Sorry guys, I have to get my supplies from the staff room. Is it alright if I leave you two here for a while?" Mrs Oliver put down her glasses and walked out the room. She didn't wait for us to reply and left, leaving me and Hoseok confused in the classroom. It was very quiet and peaceful as the most talkative person in the room has left. However an awkward atmosphere started to increase as Hoseok and I constantly looked at each other in the eyes. I felt the need to start a conversation but have no idea what to talk about.

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