Chapter 3: Creek is a Danger to Society

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"You can talk?! I have never encounter a single cat who can talk in such full human language before," I have examined Berry. "Yeah, what do you expect? My name is Berry and I'm here to be your bubbly sidekick! What will be your name young Troll?" Berry introduces herself excitedly. "My name is Kristie or you can call me Kitty if you want to," I introduced myself to her. "It's so nice to meet you Kirsty," Berry said happily after I introduced myself. "My name is Kristie, not Kirsty!" I have to tell her. "Oh, my bad, I'm sorry Kristie. I want to tell you something," she tells me.

"What is it about Berry?" I asked her. The cat thinks about what she's going to tell me, 15 seconds later, she suddenly tells me. "This Pop Troll. Okay, glowflies, glowkitties, come here please!" The glowflies and glowkittens as well as a few other critters come forward surrounding us. They line up neatly, so Berry can tell her story about a certain Pop Troll to me. "Meow!" The critters to form a story about what Berry is going to tell me.

I turn around and ask Berry about what Pop Troll is she referring to, and she tells me. "This Pop Troll over here, he was once a friend of the Pop Trolls until one night where he along with the rest of Poppy's friends got kidnapped by Medua the Bergen Chef. It's in there that purple Troll decided to turn against his own kind out of betrayal and cowardice. He sold Princess, now Queen Poppy and the other Pop Trolls with some execptions out to be eaten by the Bergens. However, once Trolls and Bergens suddenly live in peace, they kicked her out and took that Troll with." A few critters create a resemblance of the giant hill monster. "Once they arrived at the hill, the Chef attempted to eat the Troll, but little did they know, they were consumed by monster. While Medua passed away, that pathetic Troll is still alive and is ready to take revenge on the Pop Trolls after they kicked him out of the Kingdom. Many claimed he was dead, but he survived thanks to his unique hair abilities that he was able to escape the hill monster."

"Oh, I remember that part. I have watched the first film a couple of times now. And I just rewatched it a few months before Band Together got released last year." Berry wants to ask me something. "Hold up, have you seen all 3 movies set in this world full of happy singing Trolls? When was the first time you have seen the start of the franchise?" She's looking at me for a few seconds, until.....

"Ummmmm...." I blush at her nervously. "Yes, I have watched all 3 movies, the first two I watched on a hard drive while I watched the third one in the cinemas a couple of months back. And all of those for the first time alone. I did watch the first film back in December 2016 when I was 13. I love them all." Berry beams at me excitedly and jumps around the forest and starts a musical number.

"Move up your paws! Shake your body and dance around the place! Come on and be so optimistic about the future and now!"

"Paws? I have bloody hands and feet, not paws and claws. I'm a human who has been turned into a Troll, not a cat." I tell her about my species. "Oh come on Kristie, don't be so down, cat or not, you have funky paws and you can move them around. Okay everyone, grab your instruments and make this music loud and clear, so our new friend can join us and dance!" The critters start to play their instruments to fit the rhythm of the song she's singing about.

"Let's go and dance! I love to see you dance around! Today is exciting and I would love to see you move your body around! Let's see those paws and move around. Let's see you dance, let's go!"

"The critters make the music louder and Berry the singer keeps on singing and is dancing to the beat.

"Dance, dance to the music! Dance, dance to the music! Let's move around the dance floor and keep the dances straight and keep your beats in check. Dance, dance to the music! Dance, dance to the music! Let's go and dance to the beat!"

"Okay, let's play a game of happiness and show me many smiles! Let's see how happy you are today. Once you're at your happiest, you're in a really good mood  for the beat, let's go!"

"Dance, dance to the music! Dance, dance to the music! Let's keep those smiles beaming and keep your paws and hair in the air! Dance, dance fo the music! Dance, dance to the music!"

I'm happily watching Berry sing and dance while the critters create the music.

"Let's go and dance to the beat!"

Meanwhile, a group of Trolls investigate to find my whereabouts. One of them ask "What is that noise?" The second one answers "Sounds like a Troll is partying alone. Let's check it out." "Great idea!" The third one said while the fourth one remains silent, nodding in agreement. All of them decide to check the noise out further in the forest.

Now, back to the song where I'm now no longer in the stump and instead join the band.

"The party is going to keep going and let's dance to the music! Dance, dance. Dance, dance. YEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!!"

"Dance, dance to the music! Dance, dance to the music! Let's party and dance! Dance, dance! Let's move around the dance floor and keep the dances straight and keep your beats in check!"
"Dance, dance to the beat! Dance, dance to the music! Dance, dance, dance! Dance, dance to the musical beat!"

Berry finishes her song, the music dies down, the critters stop making the song and put their instruments away and I sit back on the stump.

"WWWWOOOOOO!!!!!!!"Everyone cheers and around applause to the song. Berry bows at the audience and myself and thanks them for enjoying her song. "Thank you, thank you everyone."

"Yeah!" A fox cheers.
"Yay!" Some of the glowflies cheer.

"For a cat, you did a fabulous job singing and dancing. You're really talented and impressive." I admire her talents. "Thank you Kristie!" She thanks me and jumps yo give me a hug. "Aww, you're welcome Berry." I reply to her as my hugtime bracelet dings as I'm getting a hug.

"Puurrrrrrr!" Berry starts to purr at me as I hug her. "Awwww, Berry." I smile at her while she's purring at me.

"Aaaawwwww!" Everyone awes at her and they feel calm and relaxed.

Until suddenly.....

"Creek is a danger to society!" A Troll yells out, echoing, causing the critters and animals to hide in fear, making animal noises.

"Oi! What's going on?" I ask looking around. Berry looks confused as well, her ears fold down.

The same Troll who called out earlier is now approaching towards us, but this time 3 more Trolls follow him. Meanwhile, I stay at the stump and hide myself and Berry from any potential danger with my hair.

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