Question 1

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Fruitytootieloopie Dared: "I dare Luo Binghe and Wei Wuxian to team-up and prank Glaziola by giving her a wedgie. If they don't know what that is, use some author magic like a note appearing or something lol. You did say they should make an effort to get along, just not how 🤔"

Shen Qingqiu: Aiya... out of all the pranks someone could dare... it had to be this? Good thing I already debriefed the others on modern human pranks so no explanation needed but still...

Xie Lian: Doing something like that is...

Lan Wangji: Shameless.

Hua Cheng: I won't participate, mainly because it wasn't directed at me but also because she's still resting in the booth and-


Wei Wuxian: *Rushes out of the booth* There! Dare accomplished!

Luo Binghe: I can't believe this dumbass dragged me into it...

Wei Wuxian: Hey! It was a dare! We had to do it!

Lan Wangji: Wei Ying...

Wei Wuxian: Ah... Lan Zhan-

Lan Wangji: *Smacks him upside the head* Absolutely shameless...

Shen Qingqiu: Binghe...

Luo Binghe: Shizun I-

Shen Qingqiu: *Smacks him with his fan* You should know better.

Xie Lian: Ah...

Hua Cheng: *Sighs in annoyance*

GN: *Walks out of the booth with her katana in her left hand*

Xie Lian: I didn't know she had a weapon...

Hua Cheng: Oh? This is an interesting turn of events.

Xie Lian: San Lang-

GN: You're lucky my ribcage isn't hurting as bad right now... if it was I wouldn't have the strength to wield Roter Schnee(1)...

Shen Qingqiu: Huh?

GN: It's the name I gave to my katana!

Wei Wuxian: Ok, let's just calm down for a sec here and-

Luo Binghe: You brought this upon yourself, o' mighty "Yiling Patriarch"!

Wei Wuxian: Hey! You joined in! It's not just MY fault!

GN: *Raises her katana* I'm NOT fucking around you two...

Shen Qingqiu: Should we... stop her..?

Lan Wangji: ...

Xie Lian: Let's watch for a little while longer before we make a move..!

Hua Cheng: I agree with gege, they had this coming after all.

Wei Wuxian: L-Lan Zhan! Help! She's insane!

Lan Wangji: And you're shameless Wei Ying...

Luo Binghe: Shizun! Where's Xin Mo?! I need to defend myself!

Shen Qingqiu: Binghe... this is what you get for doing that.

GN: *Rushes at Luo Binghe with her katana pointed at his abdomen*

Luo Binghe: Agh! Where the fuck did I put Xin Mo?!

Wei Wuxian: Who knows?! Can't you use your demonic energy to block her?!

Luo Binghe: You-

Xie Lian: Wait! Her form is off! San Lang-

Hua Cheng: *Rushes in front of Luo Binghe and knocks GN's katana out of her hands with E'ming*

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