Chapter Eighty Three: Something He Should Express More(1)

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Chapter Eighty Three: Something He Should Express More As She Could Not See It (1)

Chloe looked out of the window, which was already bright. Morning came quickly after she stayed up all night to nurse her husband, who was suffering from fever.

"I didn't mean to stay up all night."

She sighed briefly and turned her gaze from the window to Gerard. Nonetheless, it was relieving to hear the sound of her husband's breath as time passed.

Chloe pushed Gerard's damp bangs to the back and touched his forehead. His fever had gone down a lot, so she thought it wouldn't go up again after this.

She straightened her husband's clothes and pulled the blanket all the way to his neck. Her touch was laced with tenderness that she couldn't hide. After that, Chloe pulled away from Gerard and greeted Jane, the maid.

"I'll go to bed now. Please hang on a little longer, Jane."

She was intending to go to her room prepared by the butler and get some long deserved shuteye. She felt dizzy due to the lack of proper sleep.

"Sure thing, my Lady. That's a great idea! Please go ahead and catch some sleep!"

Jane, who came to replace Emily because she had to rest, supported Chloe's remark. It was because she had been recommending her Lady to take a rest for a while.

"All right, all right."

Chloe grabbed her shawl off the back of a chair while complying to Jane's urging words.

"Oh, and I'll tell the butler that you and Emily can have a day off after the nursing's over."

"No, you don't have to..."

"I think you need to take a rest for a day or two after this. Then, I'll go now."

Chloe hurried out of the room before Jane could refute.

"...Thank you! Have a peaceful rest."

Jane's words were heard before she closed the door completely. It was such a peaceful day.

Chloe looked out the window of the hallway as she found Jane's words amusing. She could see birds chirping and the autumn sky. The sky was eerily blue.

She looked up at the sky. Her eyes were bleary from the lack of sleep, but she couldn't look away.

-How can I tell you everything... my Lady?

She remembered what her husband said on the day of the hunting competition. Chloe felt a pit forming in her stomach.

'When he wakes up... Will we get back to normal again?'

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