Chapter Eighty Nine: Another Dream (4

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Gerard exchanged brief greetings with the leading nobles in Hernia. However, soon he cut off those who held him back from talking and headed to his family.

He didn't have much time.

In the distance, he spotted his wife standing with her back turned to him. Gerard hurriedly walked up to them when he sensed a deep sorrow from her back.



Gerard called Abel and pulled the child, who stretched out his hands, into his arms. The child rubbed his face against his father's lovingly.

"Father... How many nights do I have to sleep to wait for you to come back?"

Abel asked with a pout. He heard from the adults that his father was going to save the country.

The child was proud of his father, who was titled the sword of the Empire. However, parting with his father was

difficult for him.

For the first time, Abel wished that his father was not the sword of the Empire.

"Well, I'll be back after you sleep fifty nights times seven weeks."

Gerard spoke complicatedly in a way that was difficult for his son to understand. He couldn't tell his son the exact date because he didn't know how the war would progress.

"If I sleep fifty nights times seven weeks?"

The child didn't understand and tried to use his fingers to calculate it. Chloe, who was listening to the conversation as if she was pretending to look elsewhere, had to control her bubbling emotions.

"Yes. So, if you want to know when Father will come back, you have to study hard, got it?"


"Work hard on training your sword skills, listen to Mother, and..."

Gerard stopped nagging Abel and held the rest in. He didn't want to just nag the child when he might not see him for a while.

"However, you don't have to do as Father says, Abel. If you want to play, play as much as you want, and don't hesitate to try something if you want to do it."

It was completely different from his previous remark. However, he couldn't help but say it because he thought the opposite.

He would nag his son when thinking of his future. However, he also didn't want Abel to live his life following his words.

He hoped that his son would be able to live more freely and experience more things in life, not just within the boundaries he had set.

To do so, what the child needed was not boundaries, but a fence. A fence that prevented his child from danger so that he could have a healthy and happy life.

"I'll be back to protect my dearest Abel and Mother."

Gerard intended to guard the fence now. He placed a kiss on his son's forehead reverently.

"I love you so much, Abel."

Gerard, who finished talking with his son, called his wife.


Chloe had been paying her husband zero attention since earlier. It was partly out of resentment for her husband, who ended up participating in the battlefield, and the other part was because she didn't want to let him go.

"Are you going to keep looking away like that?"

Gerard asked his wife, who only stared blankly at the ground. Noticing her husband's trembling voice, Chloe couldn't look away any longer

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