FIFA 8: Teleportation Exploration

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Pomegranate: I'm so glad we weren't up for elimination!

Pear: Me, too! It's so nice!

Pizza: It's time for the elimination!

Pizza: As you know, Teams Smartendous and I Dunno were up for elimination last episode for not guessing the pictionary prompt!

Pizza: Let's do Team Smartendous first!

Walnut: To be honest, I hope I get out.

Pizza: We got 4 votes! Safe with 0 votes is Nori, Eggnoggy, Cherry, Pumpkin, and Nightshade!

Pizza: It's down to Walnut and Bacon! Safe with 1 vote is... Bacon! Walnut is eliminated with 3 votes!

Sushi: Green Bean told me I can do the elimination for Team I Dunno! I dunno... about you, but I think Gumball and Swissy are safe with 0 votes!

Cheddar: That was a terrible pun.

Sushi: ): Sadly, Cheddar is safe with 1 vote. Also safe with 1 vote is Candy Cane. That means Brazil Nut is eliminated!

Pizza: Candy Cane, Walnut, say your goodbyes!

Brazil Nut: Eu realmente não me importo. Desde que a geladeira gigante em construção não seja tão ruim.

Candy Cane: I don't think we'll ever be able to understand you.

Walnut: *Grabs Macaroon*


Brussels Sprout: Toungey, I made this new invention, the portal gun! It unlocks a portal to a different world!

Toungey: Cool! Try it out!



Brussels Sprout: ARE YOU SERIOUS?!

Toungey: Shut up! They're coming!

Pizza: Where did Walnut go?

Sushi: I don't know!

Sushi: Green Bean, Walnut just disappeared, and the-

Green Bean: A PORTAL! IT MUST BE! This has never happened before, I mean It's been a while since last time, I mean, I wasn't even alive at that time! I-

Sushi: You think he had too much caffeine again?

Pizza: Definitely.

Sushi: Alright, everybody, Green Bean is-- napping.

Candy Cane: Didn't he just leave on episode 5?

Sushi: Yeah.

Pizza: Anyways, our next challenge will be a game of hide and seek! The seekers will be Nightshade, Soda Bottle, Strawberry, Gumball, Cucumber, Banana, and Jellybean. The hiders will be Cherry, Pepperoni, Pomegranate, Candy Cane, Cottage Cheese, Lime and Mussel.

Green Bean: Everybody has 100 seconds to hide! Go!

Brussels Sprout: Toungey, look! I finally fixed my portal gun so it could unleash a new portal! *ZAP!*

Cherry: Ooh! What's this thing? *Jump*

Brussels Sprout: OH MY GOD! *SNAP* Oops. I think I broke the portal gun.

Lime: It's a bush! I'll hide in here!

Pomegranate: It might work if I hide underwater! *SPLASH*

Candy Cane: I'll climb this tree and hide in it!

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