Chapter 10

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It was dark and very calm this night and it looked very clearly that something isn't in it's right place.

The feeling was inescapable, as if something bad was going to happen.It was similar to the feeling you gets when the sky is overcast and the air is still, just before the first drops of rain begin to fall and than a big storm began.

The kingdom of hell was usually a place of violence and chaos, but a strange calm had fallen over it.Even the flames which burn every time seemed to shimmer and dance less fiercely today.

It was as if a heavy weight had settled over this land, bringing with it an almost meditative state. Even the darkest corners of the kingdom seemed to be bathed in a strange serenity, as if some unseen force had cast its spell over the entire place.

The silence was ruling in every corner.Mabye because If the king is calm, and his kingdom is quiet too.

At The Lord's room

The room was filled with an intense heat. The walls were an inky black, and the floor seemed to be made from a thick layer.

There, a small body that looked like it wasn't breathing, was lying as if it was dead.The dried tears on her face could tell that she was crying mabye for a long time.Her eyes were red and wet and her lips were dried.

Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of footsteps echoing through the room.

A dark aura that surrounded the person who opened the door was intense and unsettling, spreading throughout the room and filling it with a thick, shadowy gloom.
It was Taehyung.

His eyes were locked on the girl's still form laying on the floor, her face and eyes swollen from all the tears she had spilled.

The pale complexion and the lack of movement made it seem as if she were nothing more than a lifeless corpse.

She had been crying for so long that this state hadn't even become unusual for her. It was as if she had lost all hope and purpose, and she was simply existing, barely clinging to the edge of life.

Taehyung's took a deep breath.He knelt down to lift her up.He placed one hand under her legs and the other around her waist, lifting her up.

His movements were gentle and caring as he took the girl off the floor and carried her in his arms.
She slowly open her eyes and he watched her facial expressions, following all her movements and chuckling lightly at her pout.She was very cute. In his arms Yn looked like a child.

It was a sweet moment of tenderness and empathy, which could tell he had a soft side beneath his dark exterior but he didn't know he had a soft and caring side mabye this was new and for him too.

Taehyung put her gently in the bed.When he covered her, she got startled.

"Don't be afraid.Its me."after saying this words to her she seemed to calm down a bit. Her body relaxed and the tension in her muscles softened as she took in the words of reassurance.

The calmness on his face made her to not be scared but that only lasted for a short time because she burst into tears again.
"I don't w-want to stay here,please c-can you let me go h-home.I don't b-belong to this p-place."

Her words were slurred due to her tears and sobbing,which made her even more pitiful and vulnerable than before.

Her red face and swollen eyes was  highlight the misery and helplessness that she was experiencing in those moments.

Taehyung close his eyes.This was making him feel bad about everything he had done to her but he stopped listening to his thoughts.This was making him weak and this is the thing he hate the most,to be weak and weak for somebody.

Despite his attempts not to think more, the girl's miserable state seemed to tug at his heartstrings, eliciting feelings of sadness and empathy. His heart was beating.This was new and for him too but wait,does he had a heart?

"We will go to your home" he said with a blank face without any emotions but deep down what he was thinking would make him smirk.

Yn widened her eyes, she couldn't believe what he was saying.Was that real?"

"Really!?" She said very surprised.He nodded his head.Yn get up from the bed and jumped from joy.This was the the best words she had received after all these long times of suffering.

She was filled with pure joy and excitement at the thought of getting out of this place.But she didn't know nothing.Life has other plans for her.

"I will drop you home.At first you have to change. Some servants will help you.Just call me for everything if you need help"

He left the room letting her confused in a mix of feelings.She just can't understand him.One day he is mean and scary and other day soft and caring.She was lost on her thoughts when the door opened again.

Some servants entered the room.They bowed to her with respect and yn did the same thing with them too.They got scared confusing yn even more.

"Please our queen don't bow"one of the servants said to her.

"Queen?!"yn said.She was shocked and dumbfounded in the same time.Her face could tell the puzzle in her head but they didn't let her speak more.

"Um mam please let us help you" they say in a awkward voice and began to do their work.

After a while Yn was ready.She was wearing a long white dress with long sleeves. Her hair was tied with a big white ribbon.She was looking very beautiful and ethereal at the same time.

Her beauty and ethereal grace was breathtaking, rendering her an angel from heaven itself. With her angelic appearance, she radiated a positive and soothing aura, which was soothing to observe.One maid was fixing the ribbon on yn's hair.After finishing her work she bowed and than left.

Yn saw herself in the mirror and then got up. She was very happy to return home,but if she knew that she would regret it.

Taehyung entered the room.Her sight left him speechless. In his mind he wanted to kiss and do so many things to her but he didn't want to scare her more than she was so he cleared his throat as he spoke.

"Are you ready?" She nodded her head and than followed him.

Mabye after those little happy moments of her something else is waiting.

Who know what is written in our fate.


Oh im back again

What did you think about this part?

I was trying so hard to write because im still sick but I hope you like this.

Well is a short chapter Im sorry about that,mabye i will make next chapter more long?Idk i can't think nothing now.

Btw i hope you are all are fine and with good health not like my ass, sick in every possible season🤧

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