Chapter 14

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D-dark...m-ma-magic....." her breath become more heavy than it was as she crawled back, bumping her back with cell's bars.

Yn got up.Her legs were shaking very bad as she almost fell.This thing shocked her as she doesn't even know what to do in those moments or how to find a cure to heal her sister.

"I ne-need to find an an-ant-antidote right no-now" Her voice vibrated when she got up.Her head hurt so much, her whole body felt weak as she was feeling like vomiting in those moments.

She grabbed her head with both of her small hands feeling lost and helpless at the same time.

There was nothing to do, where to go.Her sister was dying in front of her eyes and she couldn't do anything.Her tears were constantly rolling down her chubby cheeks but they can't help her at all.

Yn fall down.Her little body bumped harshly on the ground as she was lost in her thoughts which were destroying her innocent soul little by little.

She was asking herself for a solution.What to do in moments like those?How to save her sister in a place which they both now are no other than enemies.In a place which they can be killed in one second.In a place which was back no other than their heavenly home...

Desperately she turned her head feeling helpless,this was a way very much for her little soul but something caught her attention making her shook away her thoughts.

"Taehyung...."she whispered desperately.She could notice from the cold darkness a muscular and well built body,which can tremble everybody who dare to look at him as he was sitting in a majestic throne that had been there empty before she came. Yn blink her teary eyes,her heart was pumping very fast when she finally realized that really was him.

"Taehyung.....Taehyung"She get up from the place and shouted his name while running to him with that much strength she had left.

He was sitting in his throne while his servants and soldiers were behind him with their head down.His majestic and dark aura can tremble whole heaven and hell together.His fierce dark gaze was fixed on her little figure coming with her little shaking legs.His gaze softened when he saw her red pinkish face and her swollen eyes from crying.

He followed every movement of her until Yn came near him and knelt down to his legs.

She never knew that a moment like this would come and the Princesses of Heaven will be in his mercy as all others angels too.

"Lo-lord,lord p-please help my sister, she, she will die, ple-please m-make something, ple-please h-help her "she said helpless while observing his dark and emotionless orbs with a little hope.

"What are you doing here sweetheart?"he said while gazing her with his dark gaze head to toe.His face was covered with emotionless expressions which could make everyone to feel shivers down their spine.

"Ple-please,please i will ex-explain later but at first I nee-need to help he-her.She is cursed with bla-black magic.We need to bro-broke it ,pl-please do so-something fast he-help me..." Yn didn't take it anymore,she broke down in front of him,her tears weren't helping at all,they always betray her in serious situations.

Now she is in his mercy and whether she wanted or not she will do everything he is going to say.She will obey him.

"Come here" He said as he tapped his lap and a corner of his lip grew on his face.Yn widened her teary yet swollen eyes.She didn't understand his real purpose and continued to beg him.

Her innocent eyes were filled full with hope as she pressed her dry lips together and than parted them again to speak.

"Please my si-sister is dyi-dying he-here we need to help her at first,w-what are you saying?" She said between tears trying her best not to piss him off but he already was pissed as he close his eyes in frustration.

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