The Black Eye (Drabble)

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just fluff!

you were hoping, praying to the universe, that it wouldn't turn into a black eye. but, as the day wore on, the area under and around your eye turned unmistakably blue and purple with a tint of red. you cursed under your breath when you inspected your face before you would leave work, already dreading the moment when you would come home and alex would see.

he hates your job. he doesn't tell you, but you know. he always looks slightly concerned when you tell him about your days, and this is surely not going to help.

so, you get on the bus, contemplating how to tell alex what really happened. you know there's no use in in trivializing the incident or even lying to him, because he will be able to see straight through you.

the bus takes you through the city, christmas lights and decorations are on display, and the sight warms your heart. christmas is your favourite time of the year, and you really don't need a black eye to ruin it.

so when you get home, you swear under your breath when you see the lights are on. he's home. there's no time covering up the colours on your face with make-up.

but, as you turn your key in the door and open it, alex is nowhere in sight. you hope he's upstairs or maybe busy writing songs in the study, so there's a tiny chance he doesn't see straight away.

you tiptoe into the hallway, hanging up your coat and taking off your shoes, aiming for the downstairs bathroom where you know you've tucked away a concealer. but as soon as your hand is on the handle of the door, your boyfriend calls your name.

"love, you're home," alex chirps, and you can hear the smile on his face before you see it.

slowly, you turn around. alex's broad smile vanishes immediately.

"oh my god," he mutters, and rushes to your side, "what happened?"

shit shit shit.

"i..." you begin, "nothing, it's nothing. i'm just clumsy and silly."

alex, however, is having none of it. he shakes his head, gently as ever cupping your face in his hands,

"please," he almost begs, "tell me."

alex takes your hand and leads you to the sofa, where you both find a seat. he doesn't let go of your hand, instead he squeezes it reassuringly.

you gulp; the pained look in his big brown eyes is almost too much to bare and a lump develops in your throat. a sigh leaves your chest before you begin to explain.

"i have this client. she's impulsive and short-tempered, and today we had to discuss something she didn't wanna hear... and she- she got so angry and started shouting and although i tried to calm her down, i just made it worse and then..." your voice trails off in order to take another shaky breath, "she threatened and approached me, but i turned away and bumped into an open cupboard door in my office."

when you look at alex, you see how he sighs in relief. obviously, from listening to your story, he assumed that your client had hit you.

"so she didn't... y'know?"

"no, she didn't hit me. but..." you make a pause once again, wanting to be absolutely honest with him, "i think she might've."

alex's face falls then, he's clearly imagining it, which surely hurts his heart.

"i'm sorry," you say, and he looks at you.

alex doesn't seem to understand, "why are you sorry?"

"because i know you don't like my job," you reply quietly.

alex scoots closer to you on the sofa and wordlessly pulls you to his chest. he embraces you tightly, rubbing up and down your back lovingly, and you feel as if all of today's weight is being lifted off your shoulders.

when alex pulls away, his face is full of warmth and reassurance, "that's not it. it's just that i want you to be safe. and seeing you come home with a black eye doesn't exactly put my mind at ease, you know?"

"i know. we're gonna have security staff at work from now on, standing in the corridors. so it won't happen again."

"okay, good. i don't want to see you hurt. ever."

"i know," you repeat, "i'm okay."


"yeah. my colleagues were amazing, they all made sure i was- physically and emotionally."

it's true- after your client had been accompanied out, your fellow colleagues got you a cooling pack for your eye, made you eat some chocolate and didn't leave your side for an hour or even longer.

"if you want to talk about it further, though, i'm here," alex ensures you with a soft voice, his thumb stroking over your cheekbone just underneath the colourful bruise.

you just nod thankfully, and let him peck your lips.

the rest of the night is spent on the sofa with take-away and christmas movies, alex wrapping his arms around you tightly while the snow is slowly falling outside, covering everything in a powdery white. occasionally, he kisses your head or your temple, his subtle gestures of love showing you that he's there for you. always.

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