Chapter 9

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Fraya Rossi pov :-

I need to do something and fast the marriage happened but that's doesn't mean I can't do something killing Aurora is the end

If she died no one is going to keep digging after me and I can find a way to help Blaze God how much I hate that bitch and her mother if the Giovanni's and Black's didn't have the Rossi's side it was going to be so easy to kill them all but it's not

I still need to know what the relation between Xavier and Aurora be there is something and if they are together I will be done as much as I hate to admit but Aurora is smart and Xavier is powerful they call him the Devil

Between all the kings he is the most one am scared of he is not in the first place because it's not the most powerful person it's the strongest mafia and for new that is the Italian aka Daniel my son i never really loved Dante but when Daniel was born I thought that I can start loving him

And we can be a family but I couldn't stop loving Blaze and when he came back in to my life I couldn't control myself I loved him and I didn't even love my sons as much as I loved Blaze

Aurora Rossi pov :-

When I reached school I ran and hugged my two best friends and of course we didn't go to the class to attend our lessons we went to the roof of the school where we normally are

I don't even know who my brothers friends are we don't hang out together and I never meet there friends I have my friends they have theirs we don't hang out with the same people it's like unspoken rule between us we don't share friends

Even if we share a subject we act like we don't know each other through out the years it hurted me so I did the only thing I could do in the matter I took every class in AP I know for a fact that my brothers aren't going to be in one and I was right we never been in the same class ever since and it's not like they are hard on me I never got less than A on any of my exams even when I don't attend I can easily get all A

Apollo Rossi pov :-

First day of fucking school I hate my life and Aurora all power I don't know who has the power to go to school and be happy about it she is crazy

We never crossed bath's in school I don't know why but she is not in any of my classes or Atlas or Athos or Ares I have at least one of them in all the classes but not one with Aurora

The only time I see her is lunch and she is always with two fucking guys Andreas kosmo and Damon Ricci she is always laughing with them most of the time I was jealous of them on their relationship with her I really don't know what she see in them like they are both fuck boys they have slept with half of the school and she is still friends with them but its not like we are any better we slept with the other half

And like every other year we don't see her except at lunch all day I was looking for her and didn't catch a glimpse of her she is sitting with those two like every other year my friends were discussing something I didn't really care by my friends I mean Stafen and Sebastian our cousins and Kyle, chris, Adam and Alex
Adam and Alex are twins

My peace have been cutting by Samantha like always she look like a whore she went and sit with her friends one of them came to us and sat in Ares lap and I can see that what happened made him uncomfortable Ares has been always the least of us to sleep Around so I understand why he is uncomfortable

"get away from him" I say

"I can do you to you if you want" the girl I don't even know her name say Samantha and the rest of her group came and the entire cafeteria was watching

"go to hell" Ares say standing making her fall to the ground

"are you for real Samantha say something they are your brothers after all" the girl say

Samantha look pale like she didn't know what to say guess she didn't tell her friends the last events

"can I get everyone attention" Atlas say standing everyone looked at him

"Samantha is not our sisters her mother was one of dad's sluts and faked that Samantha is his daughter we don't have except one sister Aurora Arla Rossi" he looked at her direction to see her looking at us 'thanks brother' she mouthed

Samantha got out of the cafeteria crying and lunch time ended

"when are you planning on telling us that Mrs. Smarty is your sister" Alex asked

"Mrs. What" Athos asked

"Mrs. Smarty" Adam say

"why do you call her that" Sebastian asked

"she is with me in all my Ap classes" Adam say

"she is also with me and after a little digging we learned that she takes every single subject in Ap" Alex say

So that's why I never see her in class

"you know what's the worst part is" Adam say

"what" Stefan ask

"The least mark she ever got since we were in elementary school was A not even A- an A she doesn't go below" Alex say

"for real" Stefan say they both nod

"at least now we know why we are stupid she took all the smart genes" Ares say

"my baby is a genius" Athos say

I give him a look are you for real but he is true my little sister is a genius and a fucking proud of her every one went to his classes at the end of the day i was going out of school I went out to see that Aurora's car was still her but there was a guy waiting at it

I never seen him before he looked older than us I think he was three or four years older I waited by my car Aurora finally came out her two friends were after her when she saw the guy she frozed

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