Chapter 18

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Aurora pov :-

I decided that I need to call Xavier today but I didn't have a chance. call me a coward I didn't want to face him yesterday after I went home I unblocked him and from yesterday to today he called me 43 times.

I look at my phone it's raining he called again I picked up and answer

"why the fuck aren't you answering me" he yell at me but I can hear that he is sad

"can we meet... please" I say

"of course" he say

"your apartment I will be there in thirty minutes" I got up and went to get ready

When I reached his apartment I got in he wasn't there I just stood there looking at every place every corner we have memories in if every thing didn't turn out like I wish, that would be the last time I came here

Xavier pov :-

Her voice was broken it hurts my heart to hear her like that but at least she was ready to meet and talk

When I reached my apartment she was there

"hey why are you so distanced" I say

"it just when I saw that girl in your house I don't know what happened to me" she say

"I understand but I need you to know that the girl you saw was nothing to me she was just a one night stand nothing more" I say

"okay i will be totally honest now Xavier" she say I nodded for her to continue

"I have had feelings for you for same time now it's totally okay if you don't have feelings for me I just want to tell you" she say

I couldn't be happier the girl I love has feelings for me it's like a dream became true

Without thinking I kissed her like I never kissed any one before I kissed her with passion our tongues fight for dominice she let me win in the end

We had to part to breathe she looked at me by a way "Aurora I have been in love with you since the first time I saw you" I say she smile

"do you want to go out on a date with me" I asked her

She nodded and my heart nearly melt I lend to kiss her but the fucking phone has to ring at that moment

And Aurora laughed "what! Your face is priceless" she say

"laugh laugh" I say

Answering my phone "Xavier we know where Blaze is come" Benjamin say over the phone

Fucking finally

"okay am coming" I say ending the call

Aurora looked at me

"they know where Blaze is Dad send me a message " she say

I nodded it's time

Aurora pov :-

It was the best kiss in my entire life he has feelings for me yes yes yes

That phone call cut us but it's good we are finally getting rid of Blaze

We went to the werhouse to go through the plan one more time and after everyone went home to sleep tomorrow night we are attacking tomorrow every thing ends

Fraya pov :-

I don't mind dying but not before I kill Aurora everything was perfect but that bitch had to come and destroy everything

I know my husband and those mafia men to know that they will attack as fast as they can and that's the perfect timing to kill Aurora even if me and Blaze will die I will die happy knowing that she died

I didn't tell Blaze that I caught the spy I don't want to live the rest of my life running

Why did I do all that? Was it worth?

My mind kept repeating those questions and I know the answers

I did everything coz I loved Blaze but was it worth no it wasn't Dante was really nice to me and I loved all my son's but I loved Blaze more and for me there isn't anything left except regret I will regret everything I have done

It was all Aurora's fault nothing was going to go wrong if she hasn't been born and I promise my self to be the one to kill her or at least see her death

Andrea pov :-

Something bad is about to happen but I don't know what or when but am sure for God sake am a mother I feel bad things coming to my kids and I can feel something bad coming but I don't think I can stop it I can't lose one of my kids not after everything

I went to Dimitri office "I want you to put secret snipers and order them to keep an eye on my kids" I say

"I will do it anyway you know that "he say

I know he will but I still can't help it I need to be totally sure

" don't be scared they are all well trained nothing bad will happen "he say I just nod

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