Chapter 23

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The next morning the trio got to their spot just before they were set to meet to get ready. They didn't have to wait long for Draco to show up and they quickly went through their security questions.

"I appreciated the warnings you lot gave me about Luna, it was definitely an experience working with her. She's much more insightful than I had imagined, it was helpful. Anyway, she got me in yesterday and I drew it up right away so here's what the images in Ravenclaw tower depicted the diadem to look like."

Draco handed over the drawing to Hermione first. She analysed it before passing it to Ron who took a brief look before handing it to Harry. Draco watched as Harry froze upon seeing his drawing, it seemed he had even stopped breathing.

Draco gave him a minute before trying to get his attention. "Harry, mate, you okay?"

Harry's head snapped up and there was excitement and shock on his face. "Are you sure this is what you saw? This drawing is accurate?" He asked with fervour.

Draco didn't take offence at the questions. "Yes and yes, I'm completely sure that is accurate to what I saw in Ravenclaw tower. Why? What's going on Harry?"

A huge grin took over Harry's face. "I know exactly where it is, and you were right, it's in the Room of Requirement."

The other's jaws dropped in shock. Hermione broke through it first.

"You've seen this? How? What..."

"Hermione, love, let him answer your questions."

"Sorry," Hermione took a breath and turned to Harry expectantly.

Harry looked at Draco and his expression was suddenly shrouded in shame as he thought back to the day he saw the diadem. Draco was completely baffled by Harry's change in demeanour.

"I'm so sorry, Draco." Harry started quietly before lowering his eyes to the ground.

Draco was startled. "Whatever for?"

"For what happened last year in that bathroom."

Draco felt his breathing hitch as he remembered that day. He had thought he was going to die and had been content with that fact. At least he would avoid torture and his parents would be safe. He had never even thought to be angry with Harry when all he had done was defend against the Unforgivable Draco had been trying to use.

"Harry, I..."

"No, please, listen to me. I never meant for any of that to happen. I knew something was going on, but I never had the right to attack you. The spell I used, I had read about it in my old potions book but never knew what it did, just that it was supposed to be for enemies. I hid the book after Snape asked to see my textbooks, I should have realised then that the spell was his but..."

"Wait, what?" Draco felt like his heart had stopped beating.

Harry wanted to punch himself for that comment. As much as he hated Snape, he knew Draco was close to him and he didn't mean to cause him pain over this, again.

"I accidentally got Snape's old potions book last year. I held on to it because, unfortunately, he is a genius at potions so it helped me out tremendously. I just had no idea that it was him and so I trusted the book more than I should have."

Draco took a step back and was about to turn around to return to Hogwarts to confront his godfather when his vision was obscured by bushy brown hair and he felt her wrap herself around him.

Breathe, Draco, breathe. I'm so sorry, I never even thought about connecting all of that in the sense that he's your godfather. I'm so sorry, love, so so sorry.

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