Chapter 30

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Draco followed Harry down to the Great Hall wearing a borrowed Gryffindor robe. He had the hood up to hide his well known hair and face. As he marched in time with the other students, he reached out for his godfather.

Severus, what are you doing?

I need to get to Potter, this is my chance to find him.

Draco sighed. You do realise you're going to have the whole staff and student body, including me, in your way, right? We're not going to let you take him.

Draco heard the reticence in Severus' tone. I know. I'm also doing this to give the students and staff hope. We all know Voldemort is coming but knowing that Potter and the rest of his crew is here will give them hope and courage to fight. I'm going to bring a vial that I need you to summon and give to Potter before the night is out. It will be disillusioned so no one sees it.


Draco, I know my time is short. Please don't fight this. I have done what I set out to do and more. You are safe, Potter will win, the Dark Lord will fall. I cannot ask for more. Do not contact me again. Take care of yourself, Draco, and your fiance.

How did you know about that? I only asked her last night.

The two of you make a powerful pair and are well matched. Anyone could see that. Congratulations, Draco, take care of yourself.

Before Draco could respond, Severus pulled away for the last time. He took a steadying breath before continuing to pace in front of the gathering student body. Something was telling him that he would meet his end tonight, and he had no qualms about that. As he had told Draco, he had completed all he had set out to do; there was nothing left but to face his end with dignity.

Draco held back a sob as his godfather pulled away. He had grown to respect the man even more over the last few months and loathed the idea of losing him. Draco would, however, respect his decision not to fight what was coming for him. He had wanted Draco to remain loyal to Harry, and so he would.

The last of the students had finally trickled into the Great Hall and they all stood in silent anticipation wondering what the Headmaster had summoned them for. Harry simply waited for the right moment to reveal himself while Snape spoke to the students demanding information on Harry's whereabouts.

As he took his opportunity and stepped forward, he could have sworn he saw relief in the old potions master's eyes. He didn't let that stop his angry rant. Nor did he stop when Snape pulled out his wand, not that he had to.

Draco had been watching and waiting for his own opportunity to step forward. He felt the tension rise as Harry and Severus faced off and knew his moment had come. As he stepped forward, he summoned the vial from his godfather and placed himself between Harry and Severus.

"Who is your defender this time, Potter?" Snape sneered. "Likely Granger or Weasley. Well, show yourself."

The whole hall broke out in whispers of confusion as Draco lowered his hood to reveal his immediately recognisable platinum blond hair. Draco stood tall and proud, ignoring the students and locking eyes with his godfather. Severus let some pride and relief shine through his snide exterior and gave his godson a small nod of permission to do what he had to do.

"You won't be laying a hand on Harry tonight, Severus. You may not be willing to see that you've been on the wrong side, but I have. Help me protect him, or get out of my way. I will not hesitate to attack you, godfather or not." Draco kept his posture strong but relaxed all while being ready to attack or defend at a moment's notice.

"You? You're defending Potter? Come now, Draco, you know your place is at my side."

"I do know my place. And it's right here, between you and Harry. Do with that what you will."

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