Charlotte Emily the first victim

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William hated it, he hated to leave them like that. To leave his wife, his daughter, and Michael. He can't even be there for Michael yet how could he, his own son... killed his little brother, his youngest son dead, from Michael little 'harmless' prank. He needs some time to think, that's all he needs, to think about his family condition and what is he gonna do with Michael. William thought as he drives through the towns roads to get a drink from JR. William passes the cemetery, the place where they buried him, he was glad that his only two best friends were there, Charlie and Cassidy. It was the best they could do. And their family do that for his son. He passes Henry's and his restaurant's 'fredbear family dinner' William is surprised that the restaurant is still open, some would expect it to be shut down from the ... incident yet it was not, it's open and up and running, still having guests. Do people not care that a child died or did they not care about his son? Evan, because if that the case then why does everyone lives matter? Why does other kid lives matter? and his son doesn't? Why must he and his family suffer for their loss while others get to have fun and joy like nothing ever happens. William thought as tighten his hold on the wheel. William had read the news paper, 'the bite of 83' they call.

William made it to JR, he parked his car and got out of it. He walks into the bar. Everyone looks at him. As William walks to the counter table he hears other the local people whispering to themselves, stuff like 'he stills comes here', 'doesn't he have anything to do' or even 'stop coming here' as he sat to the table.

William: "excuse me. Can I please have a drink." He ask the bartender. Giving him a simple nod as he starts preparing his drink. William sat there, looking down at the table, reflecting on what just happened for past few days. His son dead. Micheal having nightmares and hallucinations, not like he care or anything it just that his wife and his daughter seems to worry about Michael mental health. Speaking of his wife, she's a mess but not as mess as he is, she do nothing but sit on the couch and watch TV, she only stops when she going to make food but otherwise she just watches TV nonstop. There were even times when he hears her singing the song she used to sing to Evan for bedtime. As for Elizabeth she the same as always yet she goes out way more than she normally do and doesn't talk to Michael, must've been so mad at him that she doesn't talk and is mad at him and quite frankly he doesn't blame her for such good reason to hate Michael. William was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear that bartender was talking to him.

Bartender: "HEY!! Sir!" he yelled at William to get his attention. William look up at the bartender.

Bartender: your drink is ready, sir." He said as he placed William drink in front of him.

William: "thank you" he responded As he starts drinking.

At fredbear family dinner

Charlie was not having a good time. She has still been mourning for the loss of one of her best friends, Cassidy hasn't show up yet and might not come by. 'She must be mourning too' Charlie thought as she continues drinking her soda. A paper ball was thrown at her. She stop drinking and looks around to see who threw the paper ball at her. She sees other kids chuckling at her. Charlie looks down, trying not to cry from the bullying from others. Charlie and Cassidy always defended Evan from bullying from his brother and Michael friends, she never let other get in her dead but after the death of Evan, she was now in a vulnerable position, one for the kids to take the opportunity to bully her. Charlie got off from her sit and went to play in the arcade.

She plays midnight motorist, it was one of her favorite games in fredbear family dinner. After she finishes the game and got tickets, she went to the security puppet box to get a reward as she got there she see the security puppet stopping kids from leaving the restaurant. Her father, Henry Emily told her that the security puppet was designed for two purposes, give kids rewards when they have enough tickets and keep kids from leaving the restaurant without their parents. Charlie sees the kids running away from the security puppet, one of the kids looks back at her before running off with the others. Charlie see the security puppet moves with its strings back into its box. She shrugs it off and went to the security puppet box and taps on it. The security puppet emerges from it's box with strings attached to it and stares at Charlie, it tilts it head like it was study her, like it was scanning her. Charlie lifted her ticket to show the security puppet. The security puppet continues to stares at her with those green prick eyes like it was waiting. Waiting. Charlie soon got the idea of what it wants her to do, it wants her to tell want prize she wants. Charlie looks at the prize list that was on its box. She saw a fredbear plushie was on the list, either out there was nothing there that interest her or she did out of the memories of Evan. She choose the fredbear plushie and in a instant the security puppet gave her a present box. Charlie take the present box. The security puppet went back into its box and Charlie opens the present, and there inside the box was a fredbear plushie however this plushie was different, it looks just like the plushie that Evan had, all the other fredbear plushie had normal purple bow tie and a normal purple top hat, that what a normal fredbear plushie would looks like however this fredbear plushie that the security puppet gave her look oddly similar to Evan fredbear plushie, it had a darker shade of purple for the bow tie and top hat, the top hat a had a black hatband similar to the real fredbear. The fredbear plushie merchandise were different than Evan own fredbear and this was because this Fredbear was given by his father and the other were just merchandise for kids that were slightly inaccurate to the real thing. This fredbear plushie also seem to have blue prick eye at it's left instead of the typical white prick eyes in fact the other eye on it's right was just black. Charlie don't know why but it feels like this plushie is looking at her like it's alive.

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