the third victim and the fourth victim

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"Welcome back! I am Candy Cadet and I will tell you a story. There once a baby chick and mother and the brother. The baby chick always strays too far from home but she always got brought back home. One day the baby chick brother, disobeyed mother by straying too far from home. He soon went to the woods where he was never heard of again. The brother chick was gone for days, it made the little chick worry for his safety. Soon one day, a snake would enter her home, the snake told the baby chick that her brother was out there and that he can take her to him. The baby chick wanted to be reunited with her brother, despite the many warnings her mother told to never stray too far and to never trust a stranger. The baby chick follows the snake to the woods. After straying very far from home and gone deeper into the woods. She then found her brother or at least what's left of him, his bones. It turns out the snake drove her away from home just so he gets to eat her. The baby chick tries calling for help, for her mother but she strayed too far. The snake devours her. To hear more story from me, make sure to come back to me."

It was 1985, march 27th, Wednesday. It was 8:48 AM. It was all quiet, the only sound that disturb the silence was the bird chirping. Gabriel was sleeping, sleeping quietly on his bed. He hears noises, very faint and muffled noises. He decides to ignore it, so he puts the pillow on top of his head.

His door was open wide "Gabriel!" A woman enters the room, Gabriel groans from the loud awakening. "Gabriel wake up! It your birthday!"
Like that was the magic word, Gabriel got up from his bed and started preparing for his party. Gabriel mother just sighed.

Few hours later

Jermey was going to be at the party too, and Gabriel was very excited about that. He and Jermey have Been friends since first grade. He always admired Jermey for being brave and put others first before him, it was something he admired from Jermey. He was also a chill dude who also likes bowling. Gabriel on the other hand is well mannered, nice and kind boy.

He can't wait for the party.

He was set and ready, he even have his birthday hat on, Freddy hat. It was a reward he got at Freddy's. He was told that Jermey was going to wear Bonnie ears. He and Jermey were sorta like Freddy and Bonnie, they are good friends and those characters were their favorite. He will admit, the marionette was sorta weird, the way it looks at him and the grown ups who works there, it just acts weird.

"Gabriel! Come on! We're going to be late" his mother shouted. "Ok mom!" He quickly runs to his mom car. He was excited that he felt like he couldn't contain himself. " are you ready little man" his mother teased. "Yes".

His mother starts the car, and drove off. He couldn't wait for his birthday.


At Freddy fazbear

At the prize counter was the marionette who's currently inside the music box due to there being no present to give. Only ruffled noise could be heard inside. The puppet was talking to the fredbear plushie or Evan.

"Look Charlie, what you just did was very risky." The Fredbear plushie was looking up toward the puppet face. Silver eyes to blue eyes.

"That not fair Evan, you did the same thing for me." Charlie really brought a good counter argument. Evan have to admit as much as he brought Charlie to life, he did by accident. So that means that she was an accident. Evan doesn't know why, but why can't he just say that? Her possessing the puppet was just an accident. That would break her...

"Yeah but... do you really have to involve her in here, like have you looked at her". They have been arguing on whether or not, they made the right the decision on bring Susie into this.

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