the fifth victim

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Candy Cadet: "I am candy cadet. And welcome back. Today I will tell you a story. There was once a family, a family of brown bears. A mother and two cubs. The family of bears were hungry. The mother bear left the cave to get food from the river near by. As the two cubs were left alone. A large snake came into their home. the younger cub was curious of the snake. The older cub was defensive of the creature entering their home. The large snake told the two cubs that he could feed them and there was food; berries, edible leaves and fish near by. All they had to do was follow him. And follow him they did. The two cubs would follow the large serpent. The mother came home. She came home with the fishes. Fishes for her cubs. But her cubs were gone. She looked for them. But could never find them. She mourned for them. She cried alone, knowing her cubs were gone. To hear more story from me, make sure to come back to me."

April 4, 1985. Missing poster has been set up around town. Missing Poster of Susie Mae, Gabriel Johnson, and Jermey Brown has been set up on electric poll, building, and street lamps. All in the parents hope that someone can or will find their kids. The police station has already been alerted. The last place that they were last saw was at Freddy Fazbear. Unfortunately, they haven't decided to look there for the time being, but they are keeping an eye on the place.

They send guards to the place at night. To see if they can find the missing children. Perhaps they are still in there. They just need to find them.


At Freddy Fazbear

In the puppet box. The puppet and the fredbear plushie were staring at each other. Evan was starting to get pretty ticked off. The puppet has brought back not one but two children, both of their souls now in the animatronics suits. Freddy and Bonnie.

"Charlie, you have to be pulling my leg right now." Evan said sarcastically as he stared up at the puppet.

"Don't you dare start right now Evan!" Puppet quietly shouted as she does not want to have this talk again.

"You brought two more kids back, I thought one was already enough but no, you wanted more. To what? Help you?" Evan asked angrily

"What do you think! Of course I need their help!" The puppet replied

Evan was losing patience from this conversation, he doesn't have time for this. He just doesn't. He must find them. He must find his tormentors and give them special treat. A special surprise. But he can't go far without the plushie, his soul is attached to the plushie meaning he can't go freely. He can only leave the body within certain range but stray too far then he'll be forced back to his new body. Luckily he has some tricks up his sleeve. Tricks that he recently discovered.

Puppet glares at the fredbear plushie, waiting for Evan to say something, to break the silence. Yet nothing came. Then out of nowhere, the fredbear plushie disappear. Charlie was flabbergasted. Evan just disappeared, along with his plushie. The puppet looked outside her box to see where Evan went But she couldn't see him anywhere. She got up from her music box, about to go look for him but she see the light from a flashlight which means someone was here. Charlie hastily returned to her box. Guess she'll have to wait for him to come back.


Freddy Fazbear used to have way more kids than this, there were only a few parents who would bring their children to the pizzeria. Kids would be playing in the arcade, pretend to be one of the characters, play with their toys or just eat pizza. Fritz, a ginger kid who was playing pirates by himself at the ball pit. The ball pit was the sea, there was no boat. Fritz was the pirate, specifically foxy the pirate. Foxy was his favorite out of the characters. Fritz even got a pirate hat, an eyepatch, and a toy hook. He raised his hook up in the air like those cool pirate, he try to make himself look cool. He look around to see he was playing pirate....all by himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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