the second victim

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The dog name is cooper and is a golden retriever.

Candy cadet: "i am candy cadet. And now i will tell you a story. There was once a wounded man. The wounded man was heartbroken by the loss of his one and only joy. His source of happiness. The wounded man friend. A man in purple. He told the wounded man that his joy was in a better place. The wounded man was happy. Happy that he had his best friend. But the man in purple was no friend. Not anymore. To hear more return to me and I'll tell you an another story."

2 years pass

The year was 1985, March 24th. It was a sunny Thursday. The birds were chirping. The sky was blue. Susie was having fun playing with her dog, cooper. Susie and her dog were playing fetch, it was cooper favorite game. She once again threw the ball very far, cooper ran to the ball while it was still in the air. Cooper jumps onto air and open his mouth to catch the ball. He caught it. He then ran back to Susie, Susie got her to knee to take the ball from cooper. Cooper gives her the ball. As soon as Susie got the ball, cooper started licking her. "Cooper stop!" Susie said while laughing. She love her dog. He was her best friend.

"Hi Susie" someone said behind her. She looks behind her to her friend Elizabeth. "Hi Lizzie" she replied. "How was your day so far Lizzie?" Susie ask. Elizabeth and herself have been friends since they were 5, they would play tea party, play with their dolls, and even play with Cassidy and... Charlotte and.... " pretty good so far. And you?" Elizabeth ask. Susie snap out of her thoughts. "Yeah" she said. Cooper then licks her face. "Cooper!" Susie said in a cheerful tone. She was glad her dog was there to make her feel better. " mind if I pet him?" Elizabeth asked. Susie nodded. Elizabeth pets cooper on the head. Cooper wags his tail from the petting. Elizabeth sat close to Susie. The two girls laugh, everything was going fine until Susie ask a question "So... how everything going without... him or...her" Susie said so nervously that she almost sounds like she was forcing herself to say this question. Elizabeth doesn't speak for a few moments " it's been 2 years since they... died. But my mother has gotten better, Daddy doesn't go to JR anymore, Henry too has been getting better, Mikey has been doing lots of mental therapy to get better and I... have been pretending that everything is fine, everything is ok, they are still alive in my head." Elizabeth has always play pretend that she got pretty good at it, at times she even fools herself with her make believe imagining. Though she can still remember that time when after Evan died. they all went home. Daddy was not happy with Michael.



William threw Michael to the wall, holding him on the shirt. With so much anger and sadness in his eyes as tears were forming a lot in not William face but also Michael, tears of sadness, guilt and regret. "You had one job! ONE FUCKING JOB!" William said with such a loud voice that it send shivers down Elizabeth spine, she hides behind her mother. She has seen her father mad but not this mad. " WHY DID YOU NOT ACT LIKE AN OLDER BROTHER?! WHY COULD YOU NOT DO ONE FUCKING JOB?!" William screams with rage at his son. Michael still silent, not answering. He was just sobbing. He felt a hard slap. "ANWSER ME" William screams. Michael still doesn't answer, too guilty, too shameful that he can't even answer a question. Why did he do it? William throws him onto the floor. Michael looks up at his mother and his sister. They all look at him with different emotions. Clara had sadness on her face, little hint of anger, so much disappointment. Elizabeth was sad and angry at the same time. She doesn't what to talk to him. She doesn't want to talk to him ever again.


Flashback ends

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