Devils Work

12 0 0

July 27th 1997

It's been hours since they left. I've spent the last three pacing back and forth across the ballroom, chain smoking cigarettes and muttering to myself while I try and distract my mind from the thoughts it kept slipping back into. I was being sent into flashbacks of every death and every loss I've experienced over the last few years.
The thought that I could lose my brother had me spiraling out of control. But I couldn't lose control. I had to stay somewhat calm and collected. I had to keep myself above the surface of the dark murky lake that is my thoughts in order to be useful when they arrived back... if they arrived back.

I needed out of this fucking house. Before my father left he had warded the manor so I couldn't even step outside the front door. I couldn't open any windows or anything that led to the exterior. I was a prisoner, trapped in this god forsaken place until he saw fit to release me. He may as well have just chained me up in the cellar with Olivander and actually made me as useless as I feel right now.

How the fuck does he expect me to just sit here while my brother and best friends are out there fighting without me? Gods I have to find a way to get past these wards. I have to help them. He sent them off with little information on what the other sides plan is and with how new most of the death eaters are it's inevitable that someone is going to get hurt... or worse.

"You can't get past the wards. I've already tried." Draco chimed and held out his arm to reveal a bright red burn across the top of his hand.

"Merlin, Draco! Why didn't you say anything earlier?" I quickly drew my wand and grabbed his hand, muttering charms over it to heal the burn.

Once it was good as new he took the opportunity to yank me down into his lap and tightly wrap his arms around me. " You've been a bit preoccupied love. Haven't heard a word I said for the last half hour."
He was trying to keep things light hearted but I could tell by the vein throbbing on the side of his head and the way his eyes were that raging storm grey that he was just as worried about all of them as I was.
I sunk into his grip and tried to relax.

Glass boxes, high shelves, glass boxes, high shelves

Over and over and over again until I felt like my head was in order and making sense, instead of the chaotic hurricane it's been since yesterday.

"Do you think I would feel it? Would I know?" I said those words out loud and didn't mean to. I clamped my mouth shut before I could say anything else, hoping he didn't hear me but it was obvious he did when he sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Are you asking if you would feel it if your brother died? Because honestly I've wondered the same thing about you and I for a long time now." His gaze hardened and he swallowed. "I would honestly hope none of us would feel the other's death but then again I still don't know how this connection thing the three of us have works."

I was hoping the opposite. I wanted to feel it if he or Mattheo died. I mean I can feel if the other is injured or hurt. I can feel their emotions even when I'm not touching them; so why would death be any different?
I would want to know what pain they suffered if any at all when they met their end to this world but I didn't wish the same for the two of them. I wouldn't want Draco or Mattheo to feel if I was gone. I would want them to know I was not suffering any longer and would hope they would be at peace. However I knew that it was not likely to be the case. Both of them would spiral if I was dead.

I kissed Draco on the cheek, "I'm gonna go check on Olivander. No one's been down there all day."
I got up and made it about halfway to the doorway before the room flipped over on itself and suddenly I was on the floor.

"Ember! What's wrong?" Draco ran to me and helped me sit up.

My entire body was vibrating. I shook my head, trying to clear my blurred vision and get the room to stop spinning. My left shoulder ached when I moved it, my tongue felt leaden when I tried to speak and all I could manage was a soft groan. I could sense Draco beginning to panic when I couldn't answer him. "Fine. Just dizzy. Haven't eaten today." I thought to him, and managed a small smile that I doubt was any reassurance to him.

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