The Haze

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The three of us made our way out of the infirmary. "Stop." Theo and Enzo stopped and turned to look at me. "Did she... did she hurt herself because of me?" I looked at the two of them, I felt my chest tightening. How could I have been so stupid to kiss her like that? We agreed to just be friends and I fucked all of that up because I couldn't control myself. I want her. With every fiber of my being I want her but I know I can't have her and that drives me crazy.

I wanted to turn around and run back to her and beg her forgiveness. I wanted to beg her to go back to how it's been because having her as a friend is better than not having her at all... but I hurt her. I told her I hated how I felt about her. The look on her face when I spoke those words... it was like I shattered the last bit of hope we both were holding onto.

It wasn't true. If only she knew how I felt. If only she knew that since I met her on the train and looked into her eyes that she was all I thought about. She was like oxygen and I felt like I couldn't breathe without her.

My heart broke not just for myself but for her, and then she goes and hurts herself the way she did. Maybe this was for the best. Maybe we were never meant to be in each others lives and this was just a sign that we should stay away from each other. It was safer that way. Safer for her to see me as the villain. At least this way I could protect her from the path I will ultimately end up following. Her biggest fear is becoming a death eater and I was destined to become what she feared most.

But I couldn't stop thinking of that kiss. The feeling of her soft lips against mine, the little whimper she made when I pulled her against me... the way she smelled... the way she tasted.

"Listen Malfoy, don't flatter yourself. I doubt she did it because of you. She's a hot head like Riddle so I'm sure it had more to do with what happened in class and everything else that's going on in her life then it did with whatever little lovers quarrel you two got into." Theo scoffed.

"What exactly did happen after you chased her out of class? Because she started calling you Malfoy when she usually calls you Dray. So I'm curious what you did to her that was so bad you think she shattered a mirror for you." Enzo asked, cocking his head to the side and crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Ha I don't believe that's any of your business." I felt the tightness in my chest continue to coil, I tried my best to keep my composure.

"What's none of their business?" I turned around to see Mattheo standing directly behind me.

"Malfoy here was just about to tell us what the fight with Ember was about after he chased her out of class. He seems to think she hurt herself because of him." Enzo glared at me as he spoke.

Mattheo's eyes darken and his brow furrowed in anger. My heart was beating out of my chest. Normally the 3 of them wouldn't scare me. I've gotten in my fair share of fist fights with each of them. We end up a little banged up, couple of bloody lips and black eyes but nothing serious and always fighting over trivial things and then we go back to being best mates. However, Ember wasn't just some 'trivial thing' and this wouldn't be just a normal fight if things headed in the direction I felt they were. Ember was basically Mattheo's sister and his only real family and all of us, me included, were very protective of her. If someone even looked at her the wrong way they ended up in the hospital wing.

"You have 10 seconds to tell me what happened you little ferret." Mattheo's nostrils flared and he balled up his hands into fists.

"I... I..." I was starting to sweat. I couldn't get words out. What was wrong with me? I was never scared... never intimidated by anyone and especially not of these 3, but the way they were all staring at me in this moment made me want to throw up. "I kissed her. Okay I kissed her and then told her it could never happen again because if my father or Astoria found out it wouldn't end well for either of us. I told her... I told her I hated that I had feelings for her and she ran away from me. There. You happy now? Now will you please just tell me if she's okay? Please?" The words just came tumbling out and the 3 of them just stood there, brows raised like they were shocked by what I had just told them. I stood there waiting to feel a fist connect with my face but it never did. Mattheo relaxed, unclenching his fists and Theo just snickered.

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