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"Snow?", i'm in her room. With a floral wallpaper, pastel colour. There's full of posters in it, and she have THE POSTER OF MINE? Lol.

There's something though, on her bed, covered with her blanket.

"Hey, Snow?", i asked once again. To make sure if she's still in this room. I turned on the lights.

"Ah! What are you doing?!", she asked me with a crochety face.

"Oh, Thank God", i said while i'm rubbing my chest. So, it's just a dream, eh?

"You scared the shoot out of me!", i sat beside her, and her face is not that angry.

"Well, you should knock first. It's not good to just barge into your sister's room", Snow said trying to be the wise-girl. I nodded, yeah she's right.

Awkward silence is partying right now.


"I had this dream", we said at the same time. Fooking awkward!

"You first", my irish half british sister said.

"I had this dream, and you're kidnapped", i said to her softly. Her face looked shocked. Aghast.

"I...i had this umm... dream too, i went to a club; and you guys didn't know about that", Snow said, she gave me the look.

"Okay, i hope this'll never happen. Continue, then", I sat nearer beside her. I'll tell you what, i never had moments like this with my sister.

"Umm .. as usual .. i drank whiskey ..", she said not knowing to continue or not.

"Whiskey, eh?", i gave her a death glare.

"Sheesh, it's just a dream, Hazz", haha, i like it if she calls me 'Hazz'. I grinned when she said that.

"So, after i drank that 'thing', i went out from the club .. lol, that place looked like shit .. and then i saw a buncha' guys, they grabbed me .. it feels like they're gonna kidnap me. But, everything starts to light up. I woke up. In my room", she said gulping.

Okay, so, my dream was like the sequel of Snow's dream. That's strange as hell.

"Snowy, it feels like my dream was like the sequel of yours. Because on my dream, you're gone and we're looking for you the whole time. And then, Liam told me that he had a vision, and saw you're kidnapped.", i told her to-the-point.

Her face looked so confused, and more likely to be less-confused. Until she gave me the look "oh i just realized".

"You could say, my dream is ACTUALLY your dream, but it's just on a different point of view .. get it?", i said to her, i raised my voice when i said 'actually'.

"Sequels or different povs or whatsoever, i don't care! I just wanna know, have you ever slapped me?", Snow said with a perplexed face.

Slap? What slap?

"Because on my dream, before i go to the club, you slapped me, real hard, Hazz .. and it feels like you slapped me on real life, proof? My cheek hurts right now .. and it's red", Snow said to me. She showed me her red cheek.

I was like, woah. I'd never hurt my own sister! Never in your wildest dreams.

"No, it's just a dream, Snow, i'd never hurt you .. oh yeah and by the way, you have a poster of mine and the boys?", i said to her pointing out to the posters.

"Ummm .. so what? I can't have a picture of my own brother and his bestfriends in my room?", sarcastic little sis. Now it's not just Tommo Slays, but Styles Slays too.

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