Knot Your Typical Kiss - Rohirat

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Rohit Sharma leaned against the wooden doorframe of their cozy shared apartment, sipping on his iced Americano, his gaze silently fixed on a guy in tailored black trousers and a crisp white formal shirt, fussing over his appearance in the full-length mirror. Anyone in Rohit's shoes could make out, that the person standing in front of the mirror is not only excited but also nervous, now, now, now if you tell this to other people they would probably have a good laugh over it and why would not they, as Virat Kohli and nervous can never come in the same sentence. But hey, if you have to shoot an ad featuring a popular actress, and that too a musical ad then even, "The Great Virat Kohli" gets nervous. Rohit could not help but see how hot Virat looked in his perfectly tailored outfit. The way the fabric hugged his well-defined muscles and accentuated his lean physique was enough to make anyone weak in the knees. But for Rohit, it was more than just physical attraction. He had grown fond of Virat over the years, their friendship evolving into something deeper. Rohit shook his head, attempting to clear his thoughts and he saw Virat for the umpteenth time fumbling to knot his black tie. 

Exhaling in annoyance, Rohit offered, "Come here I will help you with it."

 Meanwhile, as Virat was preparing for the shoot, his mind raced with thoughts of potential mishaps. However, the overthinking bullet train of his thoughts came to an abrupt halt when he sensed someone's gaze following his every move. When he looked up in the mirror, he discovered Rohit casually leaning against the wooden doorframe and sipping on his iced Americano. Virat couldn't help but think Rohit was looking cute yet hot in his light-gray shorts and deep navy shade t-shirt that loosely hugged his athletic frame. The way Rohit's messy hair fell over his forehead, giving him a boyish charm, made Virat's heart skip a beat. Virat had always admired Rohit's easygoing nature and self-assured confidence. They had been friends for years, standing side by side through thick and thin. But lately, Virat couldn't deny the attraction that had grown between them, like a flickering flame waiting to be ignited.

 Virat was snapped out of his thoughts by someone's teasing voice, "Come on, Vi you can always use clip-on tie's " Rohit teased, walking over to him. 

Virat turned around smiling sheepishly, "Well, I can always go with your "clip-on tie's" but then you won't be offering to tie it for me." 

Rohit chuckled, the sound warm and comforting to Virat's ears. "You know I'd do anything for you, Vi," he replied, his voice filled with a mix of tenderness and longing.

 As Rohit took the black tie from Virat's hand, their eyes locked. There was an undeniable spark between them, a magnetic pull that neither could ignore. But Rohit was the first one to break the eye contact and started to expertly twist and loop the tie around Virat's neck. He could feel Virat's intense gaze, causing his heart to flutter. The familiar scent of Virat's peppermint cologne filled his senses mingling with the warmth of Virat's breath against his cheek, making it challenging to concentrate on the task at hand. Causing Rohit's lips to subconsciously form a small pout as he worked on the tie with all his focus. If Rohit had leaned a bit closer, then he could have heard how loudly Virat's heart was beating against his ribcage.

 Virat, on the other hand, was trying his best to look everywhere yet his gaze would involuntarily keep returning to Rohit's slightly pouted lips, "Those lips look so kissable right now", that was the only thought running in Virat's mind.

 For Virat, those lips constantly looked inviting, as he used to always find himself enchanted by them and couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to press his own lips against Rohit's, to taste the bitterness that lingered on them from the iced Americano he had been sipping. Had Virat shifted his gaze from Rohit's lips, he would have noticed Rohit trying to keep his hands steady and knot the tie swiftly. Virat couldn't resist the magnetic pull any longer. His heart pounding, he subconsciously leans forward, his lips gently brushing against Rohit's earlobe. "You know I want you to do more than just tie my tie," Virat whispered, his voice low and filled with a playful yet undeniable desire. 

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