The Unexpected Love Rival according to Virat - Rohirat

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Well, they say the best romances are the ones that start with friendship. And for Rohit and Virat, like any other friendship, it began with shared secrets and late-night talks. They didn't realize when their playful banter became love's sweet surrender. Rohit and Virat went from sharing secrets to stealing kisses, as they found love in each other's company. Despite the evolution of their relationship into a romantic one, they decided to keep it secret from their teammates. For a few initial months, at least. But, but, but if you know ICT, then you would also know one thing no matter how chaotic they are, they are observant and sometimes they are sane too. Unknown to them few of their teammates - Jinks, Bhuvi, Ash, and Jaddu observed the subtle changes in Rohit and Virat's behavior. Small gestures, stolen glances, and the occasional shared smile did not go unnoticed by them. 

Rather than confronting the couple, like any other ICT member would do, this time they decided to use their last two brain cells, be silent, and let Rohit and Virat reveal it to them, on their own, when the couple wanted. They decided to support them and respect their privacy. Virat, known for his quiet and reserved demeanor, complemented Rohit's outgoing and expressive nature. Their dynamic became a harmonious blend of personalities, each bringing unique qualities that enriched their partnership. The secrecy surrounding their relationship added an extra layer of intimacy, fostering a sense of closeness between them. 

The cricket field sprawled before Rohit and Virat, a lush green canvas that seemed to stretch endlessly. The blades of grass, meticulously tended to, stood proudly, creating a velvety carpet that felt soft beneath their feet as they walked onto the pitch. The late afternoon sun had just begun its descent, casting a warm golden hue over the cricket field as Rohit and Virat, dressed in orange sleeveless Indian team jerseys and black shorts, walked across the field with their kitbags dragging behind them, creating a soft rustling sound against the grass. The climate embraced them with a perfect blend of warmth and coolness. A gentle breeze rustled through the grass, carrying with it, the scent of the earth and a hint of the nearby blossoms. Above them, the sky painted a mesmerizing picture, transitioning from the clear, vibrant blue of the afternoon to beautiful hues of orange and pink sky of the evening. Virat and Rohit had arrived earlier than their teammates, who, over time, had become more than just colleagues – they were family.

However, as they were walking towards the locker room, Rohit was lost in the digital world of his mobile and was oblivious to Virat's conversation. As Virat continued to share his thoughts animatedly, Rohit remained engrossed in his mobile. His fingers dancing across the touchscreen, it was safe to say that Rohit's attention was fully captured by the virtual world within his device. As they entered the locker room, a subtle undercurrent of jealousy surged within Virat as he observed Rohit who was still engrossed in that stupid device, so Virat being Virat narrowed his eyes at the mobile with a hint of possessiveness. In his jealousy, Virat didn't realize the fact that he was getting jealous of a mobile, which was a non-living thing. The atmosphere between them crackled with a playful yet charged energy, a glint of mischief shone through Virat's gaze. 

In a swift and decisive motion, he snatched the phone from Rohit's grip. Caught off guard, Rohit blinked in surprise. And before Rohit could ask Viart to return his phone, he felt a gentle but cold and firm pressure against his back. Startled, he found himself pushed against the wall of the locker room, the unexpected change in Virat's demeanor leaving him momentarily speechless. Rohit blinked his eyes a couple of times again and then widened them in astonishment and amusement at this fascinating transformation of Virat's demeanor. The air between them thickened with tension as Virat's deep, dark brown eyes narrowed, locking in a fierce exchange with Rohit's widened brown eyes. Virat, his usually reserved demeanor replaced by a newfound boldness, continued to gaze deeply into Rohit's eyes leaving an electrifying energy lingering in the air. The atmosphere in the room grew more intense as Virat's grip on Rohit's wrists tightened, and a sly, confident smirk graced Virat's lips as he observed Rohit's reaction to finding any kind of uncomfortableness, his eyes filled with a playful glint. The silence hung between them, broken only by the faint sounds of their breathing. 

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